If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
I'm still dedicated to this addon despite to new report addon on GmodStore. But it is definitely prevalent that the UI doesn't look as good as it could. I believe it's simply the colour scheme, you've added the option for a blur look but it still doesn't look right, I suggest a more grey/black (graphite) theme as well, here's an example of a HUD with the looks that would fit,

Oh - im thinking of ways to redesigning the action menu and ill fit that into the new design ;) Thanks :D

No Bings, like when you bring or goto people there's a ULX / Serverguard teleport function which is named "return" returns the teleported back to his position. It would be very useful to be able to click return after you bring them aswell.

Where about? Maybe on the panel where you decide the report winner and a button to return to the main admin menu?

I'd still like to see a "return" button.

I believe the claim report bug is fixed - ill get confirmation on that shortly though :)
Ill add a config option to allow reports to auto self destruct after x amount of minutes :D

Yes please, can you fix claim report bug and add I don't know an auto close ticket.. because ticket spam.. if superadmin don't close them..

made it to the version changelog, mmm, lovely <3

Is the Claim Report Bug fixed?

Not sure why I estimate release times ahaha - I did severely underestimate the job and still doing it, its much closer now though :D

MYSQLOO almost done! Should be god for a tomorrow release :)

Current changelog for a 25th of April release(but my ETA's are usually horrible wrong)
- For long notes you can view all of it (not cut off anymore) (Done)
- Fixed chat logs (Done)
- Swapped the jobs logs round (Done)
- Improves the way it handles logs (less intensive on database) (Done)
- Fixed Copy ID button copying wrong ID for reported (Done)
- LOTS of micro optimisations on both client and server (Partly done)
- MYSQLOO support (Partly done)
- Fix delete reports where the reported has DC'd button (Yet to do)
- Change report history to only load 50 reports on a page (Yet to do)
- Integrate report history with staff stats (Yet to do)
- Fixed quick ban button (Yet to do) *complicated bugger
- Other minor bug fixes (which I forgotten to note down)

I want to let you know that pressing the button "View Admin Statistics" closes the window

Is there a feature that when u got rdmed on TTT the menu pops up and you can report him?

It will get the old review score (lets say 5), it then add the new review (1), then it divides it by 2.
For example: (5 + 1) / 2
It is advised to only be used as a guidance when considering to promote/demote staff :)

How exactly does the rating system work?

Really? Huh ill look into that now - I just finished another project so i've got a load more time to push updates

I noticed the chat log doesn't work are you going to fix it soon?

ASAP - got a bit carried away with binge watching a TV show :0

When is the big update being release?

ok thankyou sorry i read the description a little late purchased

Yep :)

does this script support serverguard

Sent you a message concerning a purchase going through from my card but not letting me access/download your script.