- Removed unnecessary print statements in console
The beta for 2.0 is available to download and I encourage you to check it out and give any feedback - I plan to move it to stable soon!
- Fixed where when a player types "@" in chat it will now open the report menu
Update on 2.0
It's still in the works - but quite frankly I just haven't had time lately to work on it. I still plan to release it however! I've also ran out of names for these version numbers so gonna have too release it sooner or later ahaha!
- Bringing SAM support over from the BETA branch to main
Bug fixes
- Fix for bug when reporting nobody and trying to warn nobody
Bug Fixes
- Stability fix for MYSQLOO version
Bug Fixes
- Fix for deleting warn in MySQLOO version
Bug Fixes
- When nobody won is selected it now stores the report as "Nobody" winning rather than "false"
- Fixes for MySQLOO version of the addon (fixed issue where quick claiming wasn't working, selecting a winner or nobody wasn't working, fixed warn system not working, it not creating a new staff not being created in the database and history not working)
Most of the SQL issues above are caused form 1 error, and if you have installed report addon on your server in MySQLOO on your server you must run the following command in chat to fix the issue (superadmins only): "!updatereportaddonsqltable" and then restart your server.
Here's another couple of teasers for 2.0:
Bug Fixes
- Fixed warn system
- Defaults to use on-board warn system rather than enable awarn compatibility mode
2.0 is still in the works - here is a preview (ETA is sometime early next year)
Bug Fixes
- Fix for issue where if awarn support is enabled but its unable to get the warn amount it would error and not show more information on a report
Bug Fixes:
- Actual fix for isSuperAdmin bug
Bug FIxes
- Fixed isSuperAdmin bug
- Fixed compatibility with
- 1
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