Hi, I want to make sure that only admins can see player jobs in the scoreboard, but I can't find any configuration in the files, can you please help me?
I have an issue with the scoreboard having another scoreboard above it
agreed Ghosttt
needs SAM support asap
Big shame that this is now unsupported, if this had more sam support for example; sorting by rank priority would be amazing..
Its possible to replace title by an png image ?
sam support?
Possible to disable Job Names?
Does this have time support? (Ex: SAM time)
Hello! can you add something like an option to hide the players jobs? thanks!
Waiting for that TTT support :)
Admiration do you want me to translate the addon into french?
Zeatth pm me for more info
Can you add bricks gangs and vrondakis level support?
i nutted looking at this
This is really fucking sexy...
Really like the look of this, maybe a lil pricey but other than that looks great! Best of luck to you!
rairiedogd9.north Yes this supports custom rank names, as well as custom tags!
Thanks everyone, I appreciate the comments.
This actually looks really pleasing. I actually really do like this.
Looks good, GLWS
I like someone trying minimalist without forcing it, glws
Its support custom rank names?
Looks really clean. GLWS
Love this!