
You can always read the reviews or discuss this product
If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
Jburridge Purchased posted

Damn, been working good. Finally broke. My physgun wont freeze them anymore and they just auto-rotate back to the same position everytime...

jannis Purchased posted

no support anymore i think

Stubbo Purchased posted

lmao the creator dont care about this addon xD

JINX Purchased posted

This with the Detector addon is lit:P But i have a question. Could i make it were "Donators" could spawn more then the max i give normal players:?

|GSG| Streetkilln Purchased posted

you should add a hacking device that disarms scanners and cameras

Bacon Overlord® Purchased posted

Can this work with Sandbox perchance?

Dan Author posted

It should, I don't see why not. The only part that relies on DarkRP is the part that automatically does AddEntity(). Even if the author changed that again for no reason, doing that yourself is pretty easy.

Broden posted

looks nice but does it still work with the current version of darkrp?

Marco's sind Noice Purchased posted

Please add the Support for DarkRP 2.7.0


MrLuma posted

Hello , sorry for the inconvenience but I wanted to know how perma props cameras and screens?

Sincerely Jin

DaBiGBoSs posted

Alright. Thank you :)

Dan Author posted

I have not integrated any features of that addon, so no.

DaBiGBoSs posted

a quick question, i've got a job named "Hacker" who's using this https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=271244662 in order to "hack" keypads and default gmod cameras. If i buy this addon, will it work with my job?

Divine ᴭᴺ Purchased posted

I reduced the CPU usage of the PVS hook by 50%. Instead of calling ents.FindByClass(), which iterates through all the entities in the game), every half a second, I just looped through a table which has all the terminal entities.

local terminalEntities = {}

hook.Add( "SetupPlayerVisibility", "rprotect_terminal_setviewbounds", function( ply )
	for _, term in pairs( terminalEntities ) do
		if(!IsValid(term)) then
			table.remove(terminalEntities, _)

		if ply:GetPos():Distance( term:GetPos() ) <= term.DrawDistance then
			local cam = term:GetCamera()

			if IsValid( cam ) then
				AddOriginToPVS( cam:GetPos() )
end )

function ENT:Initialize()
	self:SetModel( "models/props_phx/rt_screen.mdl" )
	self.BaseClass.Initialize( self )

	self.nonOwnerEdit = false
	table.insert(terminalEntities, self)


Lewis Purchased posted

I sent a pm

Dan Author posted

Send me a PM and provide the PayPal transaction ID, as well as the name on the old account.

Lewis Purchased posted

The account I used to purchase this script was hijacked so I cannot sign in to download any updates! Therefore, please may you move that account to this one. I can show you proof that I purchased if you need to!

Dan Author posted

It should work, and if it doesn't, add me and I'll fix whatever's wrong. I have not tested it, but I haven't received any complaints either.

Lazaruz posted

Hi. could I get a confirmation that this works without bugs on DarkRP 2.6? 9$ is a bit much for something that might work, or as stated "It should work with 2.6."

Dan Author posted

I do not, sorry.

GHOSTLEY Purchased posted

hay also 1 think it would be cool if u add an option on the monter to have it switch between all cams on its own with like a cuple seconds delay

GHOSTLEY Purchased posted

nvm my own folt i sorted it thanks thow

Dan Author posted

Open a support ticket and provide some more information.

4udo posted

I told you about the problem, your actions, I cannot relate.

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