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In short
It's 2007 again! Take a trip back to Gielinor with RuneScape Chat Messages! Simply drag 'n' drop the folder to your addons folder (client OR server!) to start using it.
RuneScape Chat Messages
It's 2007 again!
Take a trip back to Gielinor with RuneScape Chat Messages! Simply drag 'n' drop the folder to your addons folder (client OR server!) to start using it.
- Client and Server support!
- Drop it in your server's addons folder to let all users see it!
- Drop it your game's addons folder even if your favorite server hasn't purchased it yet!
- Native support for:
- Text colors (red:, green:, blue:, etc.)
- Text color effects (flash1-3:, glow1-2:)
- Text motion effects (scroll:, wave:, etc.)
- See eg. Chat Effects for a full list - yes, they all work!
- Configurable!
- Server convars for enabling the messages the entirely or just the effects!
- Client convars for enabling messages/effects, scale, and lifetime!
rschat_sv_enabled 0/1 (def 1)
- Whether or not to show messages
rschat_sv_effects 0/1 (def 1)
- Whether or not to show effects (if 0 will only show yellow text and won't remove "effect:" from the beginning of messages)
rschat_sv_height float (def 8)
- How far above players' heads to show messages
rschat_cl_enabled 0/1 (def 1)
- Whether or not to show messages (has no effect if rschatsvenabled is 0)
rschat_cl_effects 0/1 (def 1)
- Whether or not to show effects (same as rschatsveffects, has no effect is rschatsveffects is 0)
rschat_cl_lifetime float (def 3)
- How long to keep messages on screen
rschat_cl_scale float (def 2)
- How big messages should be
rschat_cl_height float (def 8)
- How far above players' heads to show messages (has no effect if rschatsvheight isn't set to default)[]'p;
Important note for clientside users:
due to a recent change with client side lua, for this to work properly clientside you'll have to run lua_openscript_cl autorun/runescapechat.lua
in console after joining a clientside lua enabled server.
Need support?
Add me on Steam! I don't check this website often, so feel free to shoot me an add and a message with any questions.
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