If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
It would be beneficial to enhance the time tracking feature in sAdmin by incorporating a permanent display of players' total playtime. This would allow them to easily access and monitor their gaming statistics at any time. Similiar to Utime for ULX

Please allow us to edit rank names in future updates

Hi, small question : can the players see their own warns? thanks.

¿How can I transfer commands from SAM and ULX to sAdmin?
Please, I'm using Sam on my SandBox server but I want to use sAdmin now

SAD min

Hey mate, how do i restrict tools from certain user groups with this addon? cheers

how does the playurl work ?
I put a ytb url and it's not working

i have a problem, it’s not compatible with « roguescoreboard » Do you think it is possible to make it compatible?

That worked! Are we supposed to keep ulx with this addon or do we get rid of it?

Head into the addons folder then modules and delete the admin mode file and then finally do a server restart.

How do you disable admin mode? I want to be able to do commandds without it

I was working on it and forgot to remove it, its ment to be added from the github repo if people want it.
Also this should go into tickets next time :)

I have a problem when I drag the addon to my sever. the user group always has a "ping" sound and the command
"[sAdmin] KONSOLE Command ausführen setrank mit Argumenten [76561198415241853, trusted] "
is always executed. I have reinstalled the sever kommplet and it keeps coming back.

way to set permanent spawnpoints with it?

I had a suggestion: I think it might be nice to add a context menu.
By default, when you press "C", you will see quick actions like freeze, ban, kick and more.
I also have a small question: the admin mode which is planned for a future update, is an admin mode when you put a command and it automatically activates God mod, cloak and noclip? Or is it related to sReport ? Thank you and have a good day

so how would u edit the user user group do you just add it the menu and it uses that group to add when people join or how does the user user group work since like you have to make it since i wanna change the user limits

So where exactly do i do the secondary groups?