2155X's Police Armory [autoupdate] [ingame cfg]

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Uses third party DRM. The product author has marked that this product uses a third party DRM service, you might have restricted access to the product source code and/or require additional setup after purchase.

In short

This is a lightweight armory addon for DarkRP. You are able to configure it fully ingame without editing any files, disable features which you do not need and have control over almost every variable used in the addon. You can rob it and receive rewards, or take weapons and receive armor as a cop.

2155X's Police Armory

Feel free to contribute on translating the script!

Fill out this https://pastebin.com/R1mnMrK2 template and PM it to me!

Reward: Free copy of the script.

Already translated:

English (https://www.gmodstore.com/users/76561198040404138),

French (https://www.gmodstore.com/users/76561198444600360),





Russian( multiple people, currently doesn't work, working on a fix )

Model by: Sterling Pierce

This is one of the best addons I've made so far, with very fast support, no [known] bugs or issues and a ton of features.


★ In-Game Configuration panel for superadmins.

★ Now supports x64 beta! (19-09-02).

★ Now supports serverguard! (19-09-12).

★ Now supports xAdmin! (20-01-24).

★ Now supports SAM Admin Mod! (20-05-01).

★ Now supports sAdmin Admin Mod! (21-05-26).

★ Optimized.

★ Easy to understand. 

★ Latest optimizations and sounds when clicking and very simple to manage. 

★ No more need to edit .lua files and mess up.

★ Ability to change the configuration live without needing to restart the server for changes to apply. 

★ Opens with '!pconfig'.

★ Auto Updater.

★ The script features my own made Auto Updater/protection script which will automatically update the script so you don't have to re-download it.

★ Nice UI.

★ I have reworked the GUI many times, and now I've found a perfect look which most people love.

★ Nice looks.

★ Weapon categories.

★ Weapon model displays.

★ Sounds when things are clicked.

★ Latest optimization fixes keeping your FPS high.

★ In-Game features.

★ The configuration panel.

★ Ability to restrict each weapon to a specific team/rank

★ Nice, stylish 3D2D screen which is also optimized for better FPS.

★ A weapon takeout GUI which opens when you click E as a 'Cop team'.

★ A robbery system which gets triggered when you click E as a 'Robber team'.

★ Multiple people can rob the Armory, make sure you're part of the 'Robber teams' and stay near the armory to rob it.

★ Main robber getting killed, arrested or disconnecting will stop the robbery.

★ Messages displayed once the robbery starts getting robbed or robbery ends.

★ Shipments dropping out, money getting given and the armory 'breaking' for a set time after the robbery finishes.

★ Ability to spawn, remove and save armories for superadmins by typing in console: '_parmoryspawn', '_parmoryremove', '_parmorysave'.

★ Multiple map saving compatibility. No need to use PermaProps anymore.

★ Allow / disallow dropping of weapons which are taken from the Armory.

★ Timer between taking new weapons out of the Armory.

★ The Armory can be emptied if all weapons are taken out.

★ Compatible with all latest DarkRP versions.

★ Serverside hooks for developers to add their own functionality (listed below!).

★ Other small features like sounds when the Armory is being robbed.

Installation & Configuration

Supports the latest versions of DarkRP!

Just drop the addon in the addons folder and you're done!

Once you're in the game, open the configuration panel with '!pconfig' and change everything to your liking. No need to restart the server afterwards, changes are instant and are saved.

This script uses my custom DRM / Autoupdater which means your server has to be online for the script to work!


Very simple to use, all you have to do is click E on the Armory entity. What happens when you use the entity, depends on your job and servers configuration.

Developer's Hooks

Both hooks are serverside.

"OnArmoryStartRobbery" | Arguments -> [armory entity], [robber player]

"OnArmoryEndRobbery" | Arguments -> [armory entity], [robber player], [number reason]

Valid end reasons: 1 = arrested, 2 = death, 3 = disconnected, 4 = ran away, 5 = success


★ In-Game Configuration panel for superadmins.

★ Now supports x64 beta! (19-09-02).

★ Now supports serverguard! (19-09-12).

★ Now supports xAdmin! (20-01-24).

★ Now supports SAM Admin Mod! (20-05-01).

★ Now supports sAdmin Admin Mod! (21-05-26).

★ Optimized.

★ Easy to understand. 

★ Latest optimizations and sounds when clicking and very simple to manage. 

★ No more need to edit .lua files and mess up.

★ Ability to change the configuration live without needing to restart the server for changes to apply. 

★ Opens with '!pconfig'.

★ Auto Updater.

★ The script features my own made Auto Updater/protection script which will automatically update the script so you don't have to re-download it.

★ Nice UI.

★ I have reworked the GUI many times, and now I've found a perfect look which most people love.

★ Nice looks.

★ Weapon categories.

★ Weapon model displays.

★ Sounds when things are clicked.

★ Latest optimization fixes keeping your FPS high.

★ In-Game features.

★ The configuration panel.

★ Ability to restrict each weapon to a specific team/rank

★ Nice, stylish 3D2D screen which is also optimized for better FPS.

★ A weapon takeout GUI which opens when you click E as a 'Cop team'.

★ A robbery system which gets triggered when you click E as a 'Robber team'.

★ Multiple people can rob the Armory, make sure you're part of the 'Robber teams' and stay near the armory to rob it.

★ Main robber getting killed, arrested or disconnecting will stop the robbery.

★ Messages displayed once the robbery starts getting robbed or robbery ends.

★ Shipments dropping out, money getting given and the armory 'breaking' for a set time after the robbery finishes.

★ Ability to spawn, remove and save armories for superadmins by typing in console: '_parmoryspawn', '_parmoryremove', '_parmorysave'.

★ Multiple map saving compatibility. No need to use PermaProps anymore.

★ Allow / disallow dropping of weapons which are taken from the Armory.

★ Timer between taking new weapons out of the Armory.

★ The Armory can be emptied if all weapons are taken out.

★ Compatible with all latest DarkRP versions.

★ Serverside hooks for developers to add their own functionality (listed below!).

★ Other small features like sounds when the Armory is being robbed.

Installation & Configuration

Supports the latest versions of DarkRP!

Just drop the addon in the addons folder and you're done!

Once you're in the game, open the configuration panel with '!pconfig' and change everything to your liking. No need to restart the server afterwards, changes are instant and are saved.

This script uses my custom Autoupdater/DRM which means your server has to be online for the script to work!


Very simple to use, all you have to do is click E on the Armory entity. What happens when you use the entity, depends on your job and servers configuration.

Developer's Hooks

Both hooks are serverside.

"OnArmoryStartRobbery" | Arguments -> [armory entity], [robber player]

"OnArmoryEndRobbery" | Arguments -> [armory entity], [robber player], [number reason]

Valid end reasons: 1 = arrested, 2 = death, 3 = disconnected, 4 = ran away, 5 = success

Product reviews

4.80 average based on 7 reviews

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Uses third party DRM. The product author has marked that this product uses a third party DRM service, you might have restricted access to the product source code and/or require additional setup after purchase.

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