SAM | Admin Mod #1

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CROSSROADS Purchased posted


When i freshly install my server and only install SAM and join i get kicked after a few seconds, anyone know the fix?

Console Message :

ServerLog: [FAdmin] CROSSROADS (STEAM_0:0:32825860) Disconnected
Dropped CROSSROADS from server (Your SteamID wasn't fully authenticated, try rejoining the server.)

Looking forward to a answer!


RPZz posted

Hello. When a player wants to contact an admin and writes in the chat "!asay THE MESSAGE", we hear the sound of the Report but nothing is displayed and a lua error is displayed :

[sam-159] addons/sam-159/lua/sam/reports/cl_reports.lua:118: attempt to index field 'name' (a nil value)
1. new_report - addons/sam-159/lua/sam/reports/cl_reports.lua:118
2. callback - addons/sam-159/lua/sam/reports/cl_reports.lua:200
3. func - addons/sam-159/lua/sam/libs/sh_netstream.lua:185
4. unknown - lua/includes/extensions/net.lua:38

How to fix this?

Thanks in advance

Altera0281_Officiel Purchased posted

how i can add sounds for the utility playsounds pls ? and have you a discord server ?

Beelzebub Purchased posted
Hexus_Boi posted

When disabling echos for like users will be available? I've seen a comment from 2019 where author stated that he will work on that, i'm preparing to buy this addon but lack of disabling echos is holding me

Maxime posted


he as got php ban page for sam ?


Maurose Purchased posted

Hello, great addons

I would like to know if it is possible that you create with the addons a Relay of bans/kick in a private discord channel, basically a discord loggings, a bit like the addons Awarn3

lil nibba posted


Is there a way to hide the admin mesages in the chat and able it only for a certain rank ?

Thanks !

Supremaciiiii Purchased posted


Did you know how to delete the admin messages displayed in the chat ? I've didn't find the option.

Thanks in advance

garry's guyot Purchased posted
hello I have
SAM | Admin Mod #1 but it has a problem when we try to setrank us sella works BUT when we want to open the !menu sella does not work and also when we want to fly this does not work we find no error so prove you we helped thank you .

Aws0me Purchased posted

2,222 purchases!!!

BorpBorp Purchased posted

It seems the hook library document disappeared, page isn't found

Srlion Author posted

BorpBorp What do you mean by byebye on github?

BorpBorp Purchased posted

hook library went byebye on github???

Srlion Author posted

There is only a micro optimization that could be done (idk why I have a second check in hook.Call) but anyway what are the results if you test on hook.Call, dash uses GAMEMODE directly and doesn’t do

gmod and gmod.GetGamemode() or nil

Which could be the reason why there is a huge performance difference but last time I tried using GAMEMODE directly I had errors so I just avoided using it.

Also most hook libraries I tested don’t have same behavior as default hook library which could have hidden bugs (it’s rare to happen, but could happen, you can read more at

Beelzebub Purchased posted
Srlion Author posted

Beelzebub Where is the benchmark code?

Beelzebub Purchased posted
● edited

Srlion's Hook Library isnt fastest - its just a bit faster than default (addon presentation has mention that "sam uses fastest hook library"), is much faster

burnett Purchased posted

where r the hooks for this

fakelag posted

Hi, my last profile have been banned, вообщем, when i write 'sam setrank nick superadmin'

[sam-148] addons/sam-148/lua/sam/command/sv_command.lua:160: bad argument #1 to 'sub' (string expected, got nil)

 1. sub - [C]:-1

  2. unknown - addons/sam-148/lua/sam/command/sv_command.lua:160

  3. unknown - lua/includes/modules/concommand.lua:54

Cuboxis Purchased posted

Is possible to add !ragdoll to SAM?

Aszab123 Purchased posted

What is the command to report someone?

ViktoryoZ Purchased posted

sam setrank Viktoryo superadmin

[sam-148] addons/sam-148/lua/sam/command/sv_command.lua:160: bad argument #1 to 'sub' (string expected, got nil)

1. sub - [C]:-1

2. unknown - addons/sam-148/lua/sam/command/sv_command.lua:160

3. unknown - lua/includes/modules/concommand.lua:54

help me pls

Love Gmod Purchased posted

Can you add a command like "cleanup" who just clean up the map. This can be really useful

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