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What is the SASMod addon?
SASMod is an ingame staff application system, that is fully in-game, no need to fuss around with web servers setting up a database, this system does it all for you in one neat convenient package. SASMod allows you to create forms (staff applications) that your users can fill in and submit. Your staff (or whatever usergroups you setup in the config) can access the application area and view their application, they can then comment, rate, or accept/deny on the application (If they have that respective permission)
The config is located in sh_sasconfig.lua
- Fully in-game design, NO WEB!
- Sleek UI
- UTime support (Set hours playtime requirements for each form!)
- Ability to create and edit forms for staff applications (and other things!) completely in-game
- Moderate applications from in-game
- Rate applications
- Comment on applications (Share your thoughts with other staff!)
- Supports any gamemode
- Highly customisable config! (Language options & permissions!)
- Type !apply or !app in chat to open the menu (This can be changed in the config)
- Extract (unzip) the zip file
- Move the folder to your /addons/ folder of your server
- Restart, done!
Oh no! That's not good. While I do take testing very seriously and rigorously some things slip through the cracks! Please send a support ticket and I will fix it ASAP!
Have an idea or suggestion for the addon? Send a support ticket and I'll review it!
Coming soon!
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