SASMod - In-game staff application system!

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blobles Author posted

timothy Hi, unfortunately this only supports UTime - im unaware of SAMs time tracking addon

timothy Purchased posted

Does this addon support SAM's time tracking?

Church Purchased posted

Does this support ServerGuard?

blobles Author posted

@Tom UTime support is optional, if you have it installed (Utime) and enabled in the SASMod config you will have an option to use it in the config

Tom Purchased posted

Hey, do you have to have utime or is an utime function included?

Tink Purchased posted

I appreciate you giving me the script to resolve the issue.

Tink Purchased posted

For some reason, it didn't give me access to download the addon when purchasing it.

Gravy Boat Purchased posted

Oh i'm so sorry! I wasn't using my card.. James must've taken the paypal transaction as fraud! I'm so sorry, please next time tell me if anything like this happens again. (which it never will! :D)

blobles Author posted

As the chargeback closed in my favour, I'll re-assign it to you, but I will warn you that doing such in future can and will get you banned from gmodstore

blobles Author posted

You initiated a chargeback, thus it was revoked

Gravy Boat Purchased posted

I'm a bit confused. Why was this exactly revoked from me? I was re-installing addons on my server and saw this was revoked.

blobles Author posted

Not even sure why it was tagged that fixing now :)

[π]Minos posted

How is this a gamemode?

blobles Author posted

Hi JaVaL, if you send in a support ticket I can assist you easier :)

JaVaL Purchased posted

Loving the script so far, however dealing with custom groups in ulx seem to be troublesome and complex. Is there a way to make the script work for custom groups or was it simply intended only for preset ulx groups?

Rokoshara Purchased posted

Great addon! Was worth the purchase however I have a few complaints and suggestions.

First, the box is too small. If I have a question that's long, the text just cuts off the box, it doesn't wrap down or extend the box so I have to shorten them.

Also, if I realise I want to add a question near the beginning and i'm already 20 questions through, I have to delete ALL of the questions i've made after the point where I want to add a new one.

Please, fix these features in the next update. Keep it up! :)

blobles Author posted

No problem :) Any future suggestions would be appreciated too! :D

Mr. Unknown Purchased posted

Thank you for adding UTime Support!

blobles Author posted

UTime support has been added :)

Eevee posted

@SaturdaysHeroes PM me if u want anything :b not willing to discuss anything in here.

blobles Author posted

@#Attache on the staff area on view applications you can view the application and click the 'Delete' button on the management area (right menu) need to make sure they have the permission to be able to delete it though (otherwise the option won't appear) found in sh_sasconfig.lua

#Attache Purchased posted

Couldn't find how to delete applications so those already applied (accepted or denied) could apply again to the same form. So far looks nice, clean code, could be used for different forms of elections.

SaturdaysHeroes posted

wtf? Why is it for "younger ppl that can't setup a webspace" ? I don't understand, this legit makes the whole process so much easier. Why bother with staff applications on forums when you can just pop in-game and do it from there? Also, define "professional servers" because from my understanding, the only real professional servers are the really big ones (IFN, SUP, etc).

Eevee posted

I like the UI. Just the colors ain't mine.

I don't feel like using an ingame system for that. Guess it's more for non- professional servers ran by younger ppl that can't setup a webspace..

glws tho

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