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Anyone else got the problem that the armory disappears when you clean up the map? Does anyone have any tips on how to fix it?

I have sent a steam friend request and made a ticket about 3 days ago? I still haven't got the addon to work. So I will try and get help from the public - I have installed both the addon onto my server, and the workshop addon. Once installed I configured it in the files but the commands to spawn the NPC does not work? Anybody know how to help? Is there something I need to do to turn it on?
EDIT: I fixed it by downloading an FTP software (filezilla, cyberduck etc) (I used cyberduck) and you transfer the files through there.

Can you restrict the weapons to jobs?

Before I purchase this, are we able to limit the amount of weapons a person can have? I dig some digging in the Discussions, couldn't find much, sorry if I missed anything.

Do you have to re-deploy the weapon you bought each time you join the server and/or die? or will it auto spawn on the player on connect?


I have the same question as TB_bresson, are you able to make the weapons a one time purchase, once you use it you have to buy it again or not? Because if so this is a no brainer for me. Thanks :)

Before bying is all things gonna be permenent or can you also have 1 time use stuff in the store ?


before buying it I have a question, when you buy some weapon is persistent, that is to say that if you disconnect and reconnect you can choose the weapon without buying it again?

Please make a ticket I can help you better there.

how do i spawn one ingame because the command dont work for me

The config includes many options to configure the panel how you like, Unfortunately, there's no way to include a config to make "more panels and buttons". This GUI is made mostly out of materials. If you have a suggestion free feel to PM/Support ticket me! Thanks :)

Also will have to set oncleanup hook to permanent armory, cant find loading saved npc function, much hassle.

Either I did something wrong or the prop isnt included, so this is vgui only. Imo, it lacks admin control - if I buy vgui, I'd like to add different buttons or panels, well, I guess I could after reversing the code, but lack of config is somewhat disappointing. Also lack of config on how many guns players can keep in kiosk / deploy at once, if its sort of permaweapons would be nice to have sort of donate coins as addition to money to give server owner more freedom on selling donate-only sweps to certain players instead of groups. No way to sell bought sweps. Dont take me wrong, vgui is more than nice, though it lacks functionality to be ready out-of-box.

It is in.

+1 to job restriction

english to french... I know what the word mean...

>want to translate it
>can't even spell "want"

I can translate your script in french if you went ;) Just say it to me, I will do it for free. I just have nothing to do x)
I will have something to do and you will get the french option to your script :)

Yeah sorry we are in a community and a friend bought it for me ;D Awesome Hud and Derma Frame love it;)

Should be fixed, but you have not purchased the addon as well. Lol...

[ERROR] addons/sw_armory/lua/starwars_armory/client/cl_armory_main.lua:369: attempt to index a nil value
- DoClick - addons/sw_armory/lua/starwars_armory/client/cl_armory_main.lua:369
- unknown - lua/vgui/dlabel.lua:232

Yes I have taken it into consideration for the re-write, thanks :)