Sci-Fi Character [Multi Characters]

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In short

Hello, and today I present to you another sci-fi themed release script. Sci-Fi Character!. A lot of hard work as went into this script making it feel immersive into a sci-fi themed server. I hope you all enjoy!

Update 1.3
Added bwhitelist support
Fixed numerous docking issues with large resolutions.
Update 1.2

Added the ability to give certain faction prefixes.
Example: faction.Prefix = "Sith Master"
Cleaned up a lot of the code.
Added button (configurable) to the spawn menu.
Added multiple characters
Default: 2  VIP Default: 3

faction/gender configurations untouched.

Hello, and today I present to you another sci-fi themed release script. Sci-Fi Character!. A lot of hard work as went into this script making it feel immersive into a sci-fi themed server. I hope you all enjoy!

enter image description here

(No GIF Version:

enter image description here

(No GIF Version:


  1. Sleek themed GUI
  2. Multiple faction support
  3. Multiple gender support
  4. Blacklist names
  5. Digit support (Example: 3712 Jordan)
  6. Prefix support (Example: CT 3712 Jordan)
  7. Clean, documented, and optimized.
  8. Easy configuration; labeled, and well laid out to make it as easy as possible.

Why buy this?

This is a addon that will impress players when they first join and prompt by the character screen. They can choose for however many genders, factions, or models you decide to use on the screen.


  1. Install the addon by dropping it into the addons folder
  2. Naviate to scichar/sh/shconfig.lua and read through that file and configure as you want.
  3. Navigate to the factions folder, using the template provided, start configuring your factions. Note: At least 1 faction is needed.
  4. Navigate to the genders folder, using the template provided, start configuring your genders. Note: At least 1 gender is needed, and must be binned to a faction.
  5. Restart the server
  6. Enjoy!

Additional Media (Configuration Process)

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Future Features

Skins + body groups

Banner by Hawke

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4.19 average based on 16 reviews

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