Scrap System - Updated

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Collecting Scrap
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In short

This scrap system has been very slightly updated, note at the moment this addon is exclusively for DarkRP but will soon be available for any game-mode! This addon will maintain its unsupported status, but feel more than welcome to message me for any additional help. Thank you all!

Scrap System

Video Presentation

The scrap system is a system of trade. You go through the map and find various locations of entities such as the: trash can, dumpster, and numerous scrap piles to find enough scrap to trade for weapons, health kits, armor, etc. To view a person's scrap amount simply type /scrap and a notification displaying the player's scrap amount will appear.

Why is this good for you server?

This is obviously the most important question. This addon is meant to be an economy balancer. Money is an all too common commodity to the DarkRP genre and with the introduction to "scrap" it helps create a new type of currency without messing with the economy of the game. Also this currency is independent from player-to-player interaction and helps the player focus more on the gamemode itself.

Likely the best reason for this addon: it gives all those damn hobos something to do aside from throwing around feces.

The Menu

All options from the NPC Menu are completely customizable.


Every single entity is completely configurable. From how much scrap you can collect from them, to the length of the cool-down between acquiring scrap, you can change almost anything (to see more about the options you can configure, view the heading "Configuration"). Every entity (including the npc) has a floating text over the top of it, the text follows the player no matter which way he/she is facing. Also, there are 8 scrap pile models to choose from.

Job Specification

You are allowed to set what jobs can and cannot collect scrap and which jobs can access the scrap trader menu. If a player does not have access they are notified.

The Chance Factor

Every now and then when a player is collecting scrap the player will be able to find a random weapon/tool. This weapon/tool is tabelized so you can configure it to which weapons/tools a player can find and then chance of a player finding a weapon/tool. You can also use health kits and other entities.


Some things that you can configure include:

  1. The amount of scrap you collect every time you collect from it.
  2. All information in the NPC Menu.
  3. The models of each entity.
  4. The time/cool-down between collecting scrap.
  5. You can set a default location for the NPC to spawn every time the server is started.
  6. Chance to find a random weapon.
  7. Weapons you find from random.


To install drag and drop into addons, done.

Players do not need to download anything for it is just scripts, not models.


Questions? Add me on steam. My STEAM username is: Takoda


-This addon can work with ANY other addon. So you can trade scrap for any weapon/tool. Fully customizable.

-When spawning in an entity (besides the NPC) make sure to spawn it while looking at another surface. If you are looking at the ground it will spawn underneath the ground.

-All weapons/tools seen in the photos are not mine. The owner will have to provide a weapon addon. The default addon for the script is M9K.

Product reviews

4.00 average based on 3 reviews

Still works as intended, easy to read and modify for your own needs
By damp -
(version 1.3)
This addon is really great make sense to crafting items.But you can add a progress bar when someone 'search' on the dumpter.
By marcellarys -
(version 1.0.2)
i like this plugin it works good still has some bugs but i recommend this to anyone over all it works good he has great customer support
By xSTSxStichyy -
(version 1.0)
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