Scrap System - Updated

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LPN64 posted

i waited so much time for this update

PARG Purchased posted

how do you make it so the npc will give you money for scrap

[RG] Halokey Purchased posted

Does this still works?

{$TH$} GOMMB Purchased posted

@Simman102 yes it is DarkRP only.

Simman102 posted

Is it DarkRP only? Is it even alive?

Salkio | posted

can u get subscription ? i cant buuy

DraZ Author posted

There will be a file called sv_spawnpoint in the scrap_npc folder. The cordinates will be right there for you to toggle. Along with a few tips to help you.

Dan posted

I keep buying scripts that don't tell you how to perma save the NPC's etc. Could you tell me and I'll buy it. Thanks!

DraZ Author posted

No, but a player could sell the items they collected with the scrap for money.

Leah posted

Can you sell the scrap for money?

DraZ Author posted

Job customization has been added.

DraZ Author posted

@Desire, the job customization update has been finished and is about to be uploaded.

DraZ Author posted

I was displaying no anger, I was actually being quite polite.

RAG€R posted

Pssst DraZ with that language you wont have much customers

DraZ Author posted

If you would like, after you purchase the script, I can make weapon purchases to be able to be toggled for temporary or permanent for additional costs.

DraZ Author posted

No, they are simply M9K, you can add whatever weapon pack you would like. The weapons, like anything in DarkRP, will be lost on death. You can find more than one randomly if you are lucky, but not in one collection. You would have to collect multiple times to find multiple weapons.

{$TH$} GOMMB Purchased posted

I am the co-coder for this script but do as DraZ says

Leah posted

I was simply asking DraZ - I wanted to know if the weapons purchases are perm or temp, and if you can collect them more than once if they're temp.

DraZ Author posted

Listen, if you have anything you would like to be added to the script. After purchase you can contact me and by law I am required to help you. At the moment I am not required to help you and will do as I please. Thank you.

{$TH$} GOMMB Purchased posted

my auto correct keeps messing me up

{$TH$} GOMMB Purchased posted

Zarken can you restate what you are asking? there

Leah posted

Are the purchased weapons perm or temp? Could you make it so that you can collect them 3 times?

{$TH$} GOMMB Purchased posted

I am the co-coder for this and Desire I will definitely work on that

carbongamingaus posted

looks really cool

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