Server Crash Menu & Auto Reconnection

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Kalamitous Author posted

Unfortunately, this is no longer possible due to a change in how gmod works in one of their updates. That's why it used to work.

Zomblien Purchased posted

Anyway to make this show up on restarts instead of just crashing? Because it just Disconnects players on restarts and I remember having this addon a year or so ago and it showed up on restarts then now it doesn't.

Kalamitous Author posted

The menu only shows when the server crashes. It is impossible to make it show on restarts.

ThatCatGuy Purchased posted

Can this be set to show when a server is restarting and not crashed.. or both.

Jack posted

Yearly updates? hmm :3

Kalamitous Author posted

Just updated the script to accommodate volume control!

Vis Purchased posted

Any way to control volume? It's like earrape loud.

Kalamitous Author posted

I may add web hosting in a future version. In the mean time, just keep increasing the DelayTime. There's no harm in doing so.

GoldWaffel Purchased posted

Can you make an option for adding webhost, cause it really sucks, when the screen is coming up in the map changes even if I put in a delaytime of 10 seconds.

Sly [Anonymous City Servers] posted

every single server i have played on using this , it give me false errors and actually lags me out. It will pop up when im not reconnecting alot of times,making the servers it's on not very good.

Sauce Purchased posted

What are you guys using for your delay value? Still working on fine tuning mine and just wanted to know what y'all have set yours to.

Core Purchased posted

Please add a volume option

Simon posted

Hey, could U add an Feature to add an costum Background?? Then i will buy this Script!

BLACKROOSTER73 Purchased posted

It works for me completely. i can even manually restart the server and have it show. idk if that is bc i am using nfo as my host or not. i do have a suggestion though. add a way to have an image as a background instead of a color.

Kalamitous Author posted

Just to clarify, this script DOES work as intended.

I have tested this on my own server and these are the results: on legitimate server crashes, everything works fine; on manual server stops/restarts, the server will kick you and display a message saying "Server Shutting Down".

It is impossible for me to make it so that the crash menu displays on manual server stops/restarts because that is just how the game works now.

In the end, this addon still works perfectly on server crashes. If you want to alert your players about a stop or restart, just let them know in-game before you do so.

Janetto Purchased posted

just got the script revoked straight after i bought it

Tjhooker73 «|°_°|» Purchased posted

It used to before Server hosts changed the way resets work

Kalamitous Author posted

Remember, this addon only works on crashes, not deliberate server stops or restarts.

Tjhooker73 «|°_°|» Purchased posted

Zelumus is correct it doesn't work correctly

Grey Purchased posted

Can you please add a close button on the menu so People can save there pacs?

Coolbert Purchased posted

It hasn't been working recently, will you fix?

[NewLightGaming] Stone Of Sky™ Purchased posted

It doesnt work for me

Wolfie Purchased posted

Sent a support ticket.

Kalamitous Author posted

You don't have the script purchased...

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