Services - Request and Respond (REPLACE /Advert)

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JustBenDev posted

Can i talk with you i found an exploit :D Discord : benammarrayan#9307

DanFMN Author posted

Thank you ;-)

nissaN Purchased posted

Nice update!

DanFMN Author posted


[WWA] Casperr ✅ posted

Is there a way to remove services you don't want?

Baiely Purchased posted

Is it possible to restrict certain services to certain jobs? For example you've got two factions, and they can both request reinforcements. But one Faction can only use that service in the faction itself, and the other faction only for their faction? I hope you understand what I mean ^^

Eevee posted

do an own close button for the UI it's more sexy xD

DanFMN Author posted

@Jester yes

Aden Stewart posted

So, can you make it so only certain teams can request services? Curious.

KingDoogan Purchased posted

@dan Thanks i'd really like that. shall send u a message :)

DanFMN Author posted

@KingDoogan I can make some personal adjustments to the script specifically for you if you'd like.

KingDoogan Purchased posted

Edit for ez jobs? i would love this addon but i have a strong feeling ez jobs will make it a pain to use.

ez jobs uses names instead of TEAM_.


ALLOWEDTEAMS = { "Police Chief", "Police Officer" }

DanFMN Author posted

form of logs*

DanFMN Author posted

Your suggestions: Make it so police can't call themselves, you can already do that. Incorporate some for of logs: This is on my to-do list


nissaN Purchased posted

Read my ticket that I sent you a long time ago

DanFMN Author posted

Update released.

fluffyunicorn1 Purchased posted

when is the next update going to be out?

DanFMN Author posted

You can add / remove certaind services very easliy, @Barry. I will add custom checks for certain services upon next update. @Everyone Once I'm in a better mood and done dealing with a lot of personal issues. There's no eta, so do not get too excited just yet.

Barry posted

Is there a way to remove services you don't want, or add some services?

#Attache posted

Possible to make calls avialable for certain jobs? Like only citizen, but not gungster can call for police, or only citizens can call for medics?

8Z Purchased posted

Also, can we get conditional calls in the future? (Like you can only call a thief when you are arrested, with a lua function)

8Z Purchased posted

@sim242 I can verify it does not interfere.

sim242 Purchased posted

I'm assuming /advert works alongside this still? As in it doesn't disable the use of /advert

tagghor posted

Hello, If I want to contact a policeman but there are several, it will send the messages to all the police officers? Thank you

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