SFPortal 2.0

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Uses third party DRM. The product author has marked that this product uses a third party DRM service, you might have restricted access to the product source code and/or require additional setup after purchase.

In short

All-in-One Community Management addon with built in forum, ban management, donation system, Staff management and profiles.


SFPortal Gen 2 is fully remastered version of the original.

New Admin Panel Built on Bootstrap 4 and improved performance on page loading and designed to be easier to use than the previous.

New Frontend Design that comes with Built in forum and plans to make it much more customisable in the future thanks to the SaSS Design.

Comes with In-Game Support Addon for - Gmod, CS:GO and TF2

Rust Supported via WebSockets and SFPortal API (no ingame addon required)

Feature (Simplified) - See Expanded tab for Full list

  1. Complete Frontend Website
  2. Admin Panel
  3. Multiple Ban Management Systems Integrated
  4. Multiple Warning Systems Supported
  5. Multiple Forum Systems Supported
  6. Multi-Game Store System
  7. Upgrade Group System
  8. Coupon System
  9. Server Management
  10. Ticket Management/Call For Help
  11. Logging System
  12. Theme System
  13. Settings Management
  14. Multiple Supported Payment Methods
  15. Template Manager
  16. Profile Designer Page
  17. Loading Screen System
  18. Import Data
  19. Multi Language System + Editor
  20. Page Manager
  21. SMTP/Mail system
  22. Radio Manager
  23. Multiple Login Methods
  24. Website Link Manager
  25. Change Log System
  26. Remote Web Admin

Supported Games List

  • Working - Minecraft - Rcon Must be Enabled
  • Working - Rust - Rcon Legacy Must be set in server.cfg -> web.rcon 0
  • Working - Rust Rcon Port is also QueryPort+1 e.g. Query Port = 28015 | Rcon Port = 28016
  • Working - Arma 3 - Tested and working
  • Working - Counter-Strike: Source
  • Working - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
  • Working - Garrysmod
  • Working - Team Fortress 2

More Games May be Supported but Untested.

PHP 8.0 Version Available on Request

Terms Of Service

Each purchaser has the right to re-download and re-generate as many portal websites as they like.

Only the most recent download/generation request will be active unless they purchase an additional license.

All older downloads will then immediately be "invalid" which will display a check failed screen.

Full Front-end Website 

Homepage Manager - Control the Homepage Header Text and About Us Text From Control Panel

Multi-Ban System - Bans page now supports multiple ban systems at one with full search and filter on a dropdown toggle

Store - Complete Store and Checkout System

Store Layout - Game > Server > Product > Checkout

Server Page - Live Server Viewing Page

Staff/Member Pages with Search.

Profile System - Each Registered user get a Profile that Syncs with in-game data

Radio - Shoutcast 2 / IceCast Radio Page with Station Select

Forum - Completely Integrated Forum with In-Page Admin

Admin Panel

Full Administration Management System

Create Admin Groups/Ranks

Configure Each Ranks Permissions - View/Add/Edit/Remove For Each Features

Assign Registered Users A Rank Inside the Panel

Manage Staff Application and Application Templates

Multi-Ban Management System

Ability to Ban User, Un-Ban Users, Manage Ban Appeals

Currently Supports: 

  • ULX Bans (MySQL Mode)
  • Global Bans
  • SFPortal Bans (In-Game Addon Required)
  • ServerGuard Bans
  • SourceBans (SourceMod Bans)
  • Lite Bans (Minecraft)

Multi-Warning System

Manage Warning Systems

Currently only Displays Warnings - Future Updates will Add/Edit/Remove Warnings

Supported Warning Systems:

  • AWarn2
  • AWarn3
  • XWarn
  • WarnSystem

Multi-Forum Systems

You can use either the integrated version provided or an external supported forum.

In Supported Forum Systems Login on Portal is synced with the forum system to Create Forum Accounts and log them into the forum and set forum ranks/groups.

Supported External Forums

  • MyBB
  • Xenforo
  • Xenforo V2

Multi-Game Store System

Create/Edit/Delete Products

Assign Products to Servers (Can be on different games)

Upload Product Images or Set Image URL

Assign "Delivery Commands" To Products To Deliver Product In-Game

Delivery Commands can be "Auto" or "Manual" depending on the delivery method. E.g. Ranks can be automated but in-game item delivery requires user to be in-game. 

Manual Should be used for in-game player required delivery methods. 

Set Product Expiration date (When it should be removed from the store view)

Set Product Duration - Can be used on commands like: ulx adduserid $steamid vip $duration (duration being number of days)

One-Time Purchase Mode or Recurring Purchase Mode

Active Product or Hidden Products (You customise without it being live)

Manual Order Delivery System - In Web if no in-game addon present or via in-game addon menu if installed.

Want to get paid in other non-supported methods? You can process the payment outside of SFPortal and use the "Give a product" system to give a product from the store directly to the user.

Upgrade Group System

Create Product Upgrades e.g. bronze > silver > gold > platinum VIP packages

Select Product to make a "purchase chain"

Product in the "purchase chain" scale in price and offer a discount on the next upgrade. 

You can also buy the top package straight away if you want.

Coupon System

Apply Discounts to product when coupon code applied.

Discount methods both Percentage (%) off or Price Off (e.g. $5.00 off)

Server Management

Add/Edit/Delete Servers Within the panel

You can manage server connection details, prefixes, admin mod used and ban system to use when banning via sfportal here.

Upload "Server Image" which is used on the store to display a per server image so you make each server on the store look unique.

Ticket Management/Call For Help

Non-Admin Users have access to the "Call For Help" Feature which allows them to get an admins attention to deal with an issue in-game if no admin present or log the incident in a "ticket"

Admin Tickets - Allows Admins to see an "incident ticket" where a user could report "rdming". 

Can be used with existing logging systems on gmodstore to find records for evidence which would lead to banning the problem player.

When Ticket is "submitted" a notification sound is played to admins on the website to get their attention so they can check and deal with the issue quickly and effectively.

You can also search past tickets to find if the user is a "repeat" offender.

Logging System

Every action on the website is logged so if you have an admin that is "abusing" his power you can see what they have done/changed.

You can also search all bans and manage them all from a single page.

Theme System

Initial Release will only come with 1 design for front-end (Re-colors will be done later)

Admin Panel - Re-colored version available.

Future Update Plans - Theme Creator from panel - Work In Progress

Settings Management

Manage all your portal settings from a single page from uploading logo and backgrounds to toggling feature on and off

Payment Methods

Plug and Play System to Add New Payment Gateways

Configure each Payment System You Want To Use.

Toggle Payment Gateways On/Off

Currently Support:

  • G2A Pay
  • Paypal
  • Payssion
  • PaySafeCard

Template Manager

Manage the Page Templates for the following:

  • Homepage
  • About Us
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Purchase Success
  • Staff Application
  • Banned Page
  • Suspended Page

Profile Designer Page

Using the data from the in-game addon we can generate user profiles.

You can create new "widgets". Drag & Drop where you want them.

You can define how you want them to load e.g. Chart, Slider, Label etc

You Set which data to load

Once the above is set you can preview how it will look.

This is then used to generate the user profile on the front-end

Loading Screen System

- Designer

Same as the profile designer but with additional elements for the loading screen

- Loading Screen Settings

You can configure each server's setting to make a unique loading screen for each server

Select Loading Screen Design - Theme

Upload Images for the Loading Screen

Select Music to be used on the loading screen (.ogg format)

Set Server rules to display rules

Configure how many items to show and how often to change the displayed data.

Import Data

Currently Support Prometheus, GExtension 

Multi Language System + Editor

Live Saving System - Updates Languages 3/4 seconds after input box is no longer selected.

You can also add new translation into the panel if you want to add custom pages to the front-end/admin area that uses this system.

Languages Supported:

  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Spanish
  • Dutch
  • Swedish
  • Norwegian
  • Polish
  • Danish
  • Russian
  • Portuguese - Coming Soon

Page Manager

Manage Pages on the Admin Area and sets what "tab" they are in and what permissions should be applied to access them.

You also set the translation name for the pages here.

SMTP/Mail system

2 Mail Systems Supported - PhpMailer and SMTP Mail

Create, Edit and Manage Email Templates

Toggle Mail System On/Off

Radio Manager

Add/Edit/Remove Radios

Any Radio Stream should work but only data is collected for "song name" via Shoutcast/Icecast streams

Set Auto play on/off and default volume etc.

Multiple Login Methods

Supports Traditional Manual Login Methods (China Mode - Steam Login Not Available here)

Steam Login - Default

Minecraft Login - Login with your MoJang Account.

Website Link Manager

Edit the Frontend of the website's navigation links. 

Code-less Website link management


Add New links to front-end (homepage etc)

Edit Existing Links

Remove Links

Hide/Un-Hide Links

Change Display Order

Require Login to See Pages (Donation System still requires login to use)

Staff only view links.

Change Log System - coming soon

Publish Changes made by website developer or in-game developer

Log bugs, fixes, changes etc so you can see who reported and who is working on what. 

Web Admin System

Assign commands to the web admin system and set which groups have access to these commands

Purpose - you can give staff RCON access without needing password and you can set what commands they have access to (no web console... yet)

E.g. you can configure website to have same access as in-game ulx permission so they don't have more permissions on web than in-game.

You can run commands on the server directly from the website without the need to be in-game to deal with problems.

Ingame Addon Features

Cross Server Admin Chat

Ability to answer, approve and reject ban appeals

Ability to deliver donations that are marked for manual delivery by admins

/portal and !portal commands to open the in-game GUI

Admin rank or higher to open portal in-game GUI

Evolve/Sourcemod/ULX Supported

Supports All Garrysmod Gamemodes - Some coding required for custom gamemodes see documentation

Leaf - Design Concept

Nodge - Design PSD -> HTML/SCSS

thelastpenguin™ - Lua Code Fair Use In gmod addon

SeaLife - Ingame Addon Development

Web Installation

  1. Download GModStore Files
  2. Upload the files to your website
  3. Go to your install location for portal and go to /install e.g. http://yourdomain.com/install
  4. Fill in the installer pages
  5. Portal installed - Successfully

In-Game Installation

  1. Upload files to server from the game specific folder
  2. Go to: addons\sfportal\lua\sfportal\config
  3. Edit the mysql.lua file and set your mysql DB detail - Note: You might need to authorise the DB user for external access to the mysql.
  4. Save
  5. Configure other settings in the "other.lua"
  6. Ingame addon installed :)

Free Support and Basic Setup Assistance Available

Documentation: http://sfportal.net/documentation/guides.php

Contact Methods:

  • Skype: SimplyFragHosting (Jack)
  • Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/bl4d3z
  • Discord: Bl4d3z#8223
  • GmodStore Tickets
Product reviews

4.86 average based on 22 reviews

Great design and great code!
Everything is fine! I recommend that you buy this script if you want a great website.
This product was received for free
By Friks -
(version 1.6.1)
Nice addon and good support
This addon is great. It has almost everything needed to run your server. Landing page, forum, server list, member list and even radio! (Damn, the radio doesn't work. Meh, who needs it anyway?) Unfortunately, it has bugs and holes. Some are small and some big, but if you tell about them to developer, they will be fixed shortly! I use this addon for my gmod project. If you want to customize css and html thing, you are able to.
By Hendalf -
(version 1.5.1)
Author's reply
Most of the bugs are caused by dB changes between my dev and production environments. But let me know and I'll work on them ASAP.
By Bl4d3z -
Andrew Gritsky
Great Addon
Had an issue setting up, contact the creator of the addon and he immediately jumped into a discord call with me and fixed my issue! Great guy!
By Andrew Gritsky -
(version 1.5.1)
Top class addon, Top class support
The support has been outstanding, fast and they've fixed all of my issues within a day. i recommend this highly.
By Unifanatic -
(version 1.5.1)
Fast and helpful support
My Ticket got processed within minutes. Quickly got help per Discord and remote access. I would really recommend it.
By Breax -
(version 1.5.1)
1 of 6
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Uses third party DRM. The product author has marked that this product uses a third party DRM service, you might have restricted access to the product source code and/or require additional setup after purchase.

SFPortal 2.0 Team
2 products - 3 members
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Product details
Portuguese, Russian, English, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, German, Polish, Danish, French, Spanish
  • PHP Version 5.6 -> 7.4 (php 8.0 available on request)
  • SourceGuardian Loaders 11.3
  • MySQL Database With Remote Connections Allowed
  • PHP Modules Required - curl, sockets, mysqli, mbstring, xml
  • MySQLOO version 9 installed on game server
  • RCON Enabled Gameservers
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