Fixed Issues on php 8.1.13 affecting the following pages:
Admin Chat
Loading Screen Designer
Profile Designer
MySQL import error on Maria DB fixed
Cause: MySQL values were null/missing & Empty folder missing in compiled version.
Sourcebans - Fixed bugs in the logic causing bans/unbans to not always trigger
Discord Support was added to web
Multi-Login System Support
Hungarian Language Added
PHP 8/8.1 support added
Miscellaneous fixes and optimisations.
Fixed Error with debugmode preventing some pages from working correctly
Fixed missing mysql variables causing errors when in debug mode
[FIXED] SAM Bans not updating via MySQL on web and not displaying correctly in all views
[FIXED] Forum long post issues
[FIXED] Foreign characters showing as ? on various pages
[FIXED] Fixed discord login print issue (coming next update fully)
[FIXED] Fixed WS_Warns error when system not in use.
[FIXED] Query system - Now more reliable (sfpquery)
[FIXED] Fixed loading screen not loading bug.
[FIXED] Ban hooking for ulx, serverguard, evolve and sAdmin
[FIXED] Data sync for DarkRP
[ADDED] Support for SAM (Partial) and SAdmin
[ADDED] Addon debug mode
[ADDED] Player Sync Mode
[IMPROVEMENT] Automatic package claim on player join
[IMPROVEMENT] Added ban sync fallback for servers with RCON disabled or defective
[NEW] In-Game UI
- Minimazible panel
- Staff chat
- Ban Appeals
- Connection, Modules and Commands status display
[ADDED] New Server Query system - improve sfportal compatibility on certain hosts with query restrictions
[ADDED] Admin mod manager to panel and changed all admin mod text fields to dropdown inputs.
[ADDED] Dynamic_logs.php to admin area if you want a complete log file.
[FIXED] Mobile navigation links now take you to correct location
[FIXED] Ban page not always showing correct ban listing on initial load (now detects active ban version rather than ulx default)
[FIXED] Forum permissions bug when trying to set owner rank items. (added owner override)
[FIXED] Pinned tab bug (was missing permission and check)
[FIXED] Summernote displays on the forum so they now display correctly on all views
[FIXED] Permissions where owner couldn't do certain tasks due to permission conflict.
[FIXED] Payment gateways where API callbacks weren't always being checked for back charges - New states added that weren't there when I made the API
[FIXED] Display issue with models on player profile image where certain filetypes were returning null or invalid image error.
[IMPROVEMENT] Domain URL support (
[IMPROVEMENT] Profile system optimisations to reduce errors
[IMPROVEMENT] Re-wrote the ban system to add additional support for new modules and allowed to easy expansion of new ban systems with minimal coding required.
[IMPROVEMENT] Warnings display on profile only showing Awarn2. Now dynamic.
[IMPROVEMENT] Game list page to allow selection of queries for both RCON and query independently
Working on a new wiki/DRM - coming soon (edited)
Fixed permissions bug on navigation for job management
Made stripe dynamic for payment gateways and its now a case of adding 1 line to config to add new 1's
Fixed Ban List display bug. Fixed Warning System not showing on warnings list
Made Profile Modular toggle buttons
Made homepage elements click to toggle on and off
Fixed translation bugs on installer
Changed products to automatically save in currency 2 decimal place format.
Fixed Missing/broken translation from last update
Fixed SMTP compatibility issue with some hosts
Modified SMTP toggle buttons to make it easier to understand which is selected
Updated Give Product page to allow giving products with job templates attached
Fixed some full names giving errors on login to certain special characters.
Fixed Menu bug on profile page
Fixed responsive issues on profile
Made servers page responsive
Updated footer design and added more socialicons
Fixed font bug on forums
Modified friends page design on profile.
Added success page for payment gateways to use.
Fixed steam login fullname invalid string error
Added in-game auto claim functionality
Fixed bans not always syncing
Fixed profile datasync de-sync issue
Website Update:
Payment Gateway - Stripe Added
DarkRP Job Creator Added
Asset Manager Added
Job Category Handler Added
Forum Summernote menu's fixed
Forum management text length issue fixed
Forum Immunity system now auto-updates child forums/threads/posts to reflect access.
Ban System now modular framework based on Admin Mod (Will be expanded in a future update)
Added anti-exploit detection system - Auto removes admin access to admins trying to exploit the panel
Added internal api failsafes
Fixed security bug in admin updating logic when user has 2 specific perms and can target another user who they shouldn't be able to target. - Now gets punished using exploiter system :)
Ingame Update - Gmod
DarkRP ingame addon job creator now expanded to create custom categories.
Job add/edit/remove is much less buggy now.
Fixed ban errors people were getting for ULX now fully works with and without betabans enabled.
Optimised code and fixed performance issues.
Removed API Debug Print. - Sorry :(
Fix Version Updater
Forum Fixes:
Hide/Delete Now Update without Page Reload
Reply No longer Bugs on permission conflict
Edit Other Users Post Now Fixed
Immunity Conflict Issue Fixed
Immunity not set on user Token issue Fixed
Added Warning System Toggle to Settings
Hide/Delete Now Update without Page Reload
Reply No longer Bugs on permission conflict
Edit Other Users Post Now Fixed
Immunity Conflict Issue Fixed
Immunity not set on user Token issue Fixed
Added Warning System Toggle to Settings
Fixes Latest.SQL on Install Bug
Fixes Job Management Perms not being Set
Fixes Warnings Page Error when not using disabled warning systems
Fixed Forum Post Path Bug on Delete (no longer redirects to base_url())
Fixed Modify Command on DarkRP Jobs Breaking ingame
Fixed Usergroup Override Bug (when targeting another group with equal perms)
Added Failsafe when Banning and Creating Admin with NULL
Image Upload on Settings - Now Accepts JPG, GIF, PNG
SourceBans - Permanent Ban Now fixed on Web Ban
Fixed MyBB Login - No Longer Gets Stuck on Login - Warnings Still Present but All working
Fixed Pin Option on Forum Not being fully permission locked.
Fixed Job Perms not being auto-assigned
Fixed Job not allowing null on product create
Fixed Logo Caching Issue (Logo now no-longer stays cached on Homepage and Settings Page
Fixed Bans.php Sometimes not loading ban data (Jquery Bug)
Fixed Forum JQuery Not Found Error on Post/Thread Pages
Fixed Updating Button State due to E-400 Not being fully added
Fixed Non-Login View on Forum causing errors
User Manager - Same as Admin Manager just it shows ALL users - Allows you to ban/suspend users directly as well
Admin Group Copy - Allows you to Copy Admin Groups Fully (helps if making multiple similar groups)
Web Admin Permissions Copy (Optional - Currently working on will be done tonight/tommorrow)
Added Group Select when adding "Portal Commands" to the webadmin system
Re-Added Search Function to Bans/Admin inputs
Added Edit Bans to Ban Management
Added All Warning Systems to Profile (shows users warnings on all enabled warning systems)
Re-Implemented Loading Screen with Dynamic Themes (ADVANCED FEATURE!!!)
Added Product Copy Feature - opens existing product up and allows you to make changes before creating the new product
Added Copy Product and Group to Logging System
Added Forum User Access Restrictions
Added Forum - Top - Down Viewing Restrictions (perms required for different views)
Added New Warning System Addon
Added DateTime Select to Warning System
If you want forum to be "hidden" from random web users you can just set normal to immunity 1. I also recommend updating default rank VIP and VIP+ immunity to a higher default value to allow better integration with forum :)
Will be adding forum name colours based on ranks in the next update.
Ingame Addon:
- Cleaned Up Debug Prints
- Added Framework in for upcoming features.
- Perma-Weapons - Not implemented Yet But Framework is being worked on
- Ingame GUI - Coming Soon
- Beta !ban adminmod command replacement now has to be activated on config.
- Fixed sam sql import (was missing for some reason? maybe a rollback again? had to make again).
- Fixed xadmin sql import (same reason).
- Fixed bans database with mixed steamid's (32 & 64) not applying bans in game.
- Removed annoying bantable debug on every player join.
- Fixed error where SFPortal would throw an error if data sync tried to fetch a just-joined player (no fields to update).
- Removed Connector setting entry from settings files... avoiding people from modifying it.
- Fixed RARE issue saying player is invalid during server join (bans module).
- Auto-Claim module will claim users packages 30 seconds after they join the server (a bit of delay to make sure player is valid and avoid DDOS by making bots join the server).
Claim Feature Implemented (Beta) - Any Issues DM me or Nodge
I think i fixed the sourceguardian loading issue that was causing 504 on some hosts.
Fixed Donation DarkRP jobs on checkout.
Added Failsafe to if no data on db handler.
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