there is a free one likes this?
$1.99 $1.59 ooooo BIG DIFFERENCE SCARY
@nutnut isn't that literally what a theme implies?
Looks like you literally just tweaked with the colors of the theme and edited absolutely nothing else, but what do I know? GLWS
I'll beat you to it freeman
I think its time for a VCMod prometheus theme.
Thats pretty neat! Nice job!
Ya'll better watch out for "OTheme" ;) For real tho, looks sexy. glws!
i wanna make a theme xd
lol wondering if gmodstore is gonna get spammed with these now ;p oh well can't wait to see what comes.
By the time everyone makes their own Prometheus themes, the average price is going to be like 10 cents.
Looks Fantastic! GLWS!
looks good! glws friend
It reminds me of CS:GO Gambling sites lol
It looks very very sexy !
I feel it is time for Mikael Prometheus Theme. On the other note glws, this is pretty sexy.