SH TTT Contracts

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Receiving a Detective Contract
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WARNING: I will not provide any support for this script. Read more here

Spice up your Traitor and Detective gameplay by adding challenges!

Traitors will be tasked to kill a random player with a specific weapon whilst Detectives will have to protect a randomly selected player until the end of the round. Successfully completing a Contract will give your players a bonus reward!


  • Spice up the Traitor Contracts by deciding which weapon they have to use to kill their target. Good for forcing players to use uncommon weapons! You can also set a specific reward multiplier for completing a Contract with a specific weapon to match the difficulty.
  • Make Traitor Contracts more competitive by making it so the first Contract completed voids all the others!
  • Increase the difficulty by requiring Contractors to stay alive in order to receive their reward!
  • Track who has completed the most Contracts! Type /contract to see a list of the server's best Contractors!
  • Control which usergroups can receive Contracts.
  • Precisely define the reward to give for completing a Contract; PointShop(2) points, or a custom hook for other add-ons!
  • HUD indicator which shows your Contract target.
  • Highly customizable configuration to tailor the add-on to your needs.
  • Language support. French translation is included.
  • Content automatically downloaded via Steam Workshop.

As indicated in the title, this add-on ONLY works on Trouble in Terrorist Town.


Simply extract the sh_ttt_contracts folder into your server's addons folder, restart the server and the add-on will work right away (provided there are enough players online)! You can configure the add-on in the contracts_config.lua file.

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4.91 average based on 10 reviews

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