If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
Took longer than I expected but I got it all working properly the way I wanted it. Thanks for the good script!

Eh, good enough for me. For two bucks, I'll take a crack at it.

Currently you get only one contract per round. I'm sure assigning a new contract upon completion/failure is possible.

This script is very similar to something I'm looking for, but is there any way to immediately apply a new contract once one is completed/failed?
The idea is to award a credit for completing a contract, and then assign a new contract so that more credits can be earned. If the target of the contract dies before the traitor can carry out said contract, a new contract is assigned without reward.
I know a bit about LUA myself, so if you think it'll be relatively easy to make these changes I can probably just do it on my own.

can i Award players with frags on the scoreboard? if not may you can try to add it?

I want to reward an extra credit oder some point for TTT :C

Okay I think of that.. Would be awesome if you'd made a visual Update since it looks quite cheap :(

Yes, you can add contracts for custom weapons in the config

Hey I'm Interested in this Addon. Is it easy to add Costum Weapons?

Thankyou very much. Your stuff looks great.

You can award points for both PS1 and PS2.

Heya. Very nice looking script. Just one question. Is it compatible with the regular pointshop? I've noticed people talking about how you cna use it with pointshop 2 but not pointshop?

Done, thankyou :) great script btw

For Pointshop 2, only normal points are awarded but you can easily change that by modifying the code in sv_contracts.lua
, line 267-268 and reading the PS2 documentation.

Can you reward pointshop 2 premium points or just normal?

Well, it sorta works. It still creates contracts during power rounds but it's nothing to major.

Expanding on why it would be better for you to purchase the script and provide feedback on whether it works or not with the script you linked; it's easier for me to fix an issue when I know there's one, rather than spend time actively looking for bugs by exhaustive testing.

Sure, but I don't really have the time and an active TTT server to test the script you linked. If you purchase this script and it turns out that it isn't compatible, then with the information you'd provide from the (eventual) issues I would be able to add compatibility. You're assuming I would leave you dead in the water when that isn't the case.

The thing is though, I don't want to end up buying something that's not gonna work with other scripts. IK it's only $2 but you can understand what I mean right?

I can't guarantee that the script works but like I said, if you purchase this script and show me that it is not compatible with the script you linked, I'll add support.

Hello? It's this script

No idea what that is. If it doesn't I can probably make it work if you make a support ticket.

Is this compatible with Power Rounds?