Signpost: elegant map navigation.

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2REK Author posted

Yes, you can choose what direction will be shown on each individual post.

They can point to up to 5 different (or the same) places.

ThatCatGuy Purchased posted

can they all point to different places on each one.

2REK Author posted

Yes, you can add as much posts as you want.

ThatCatGuy Purchased posted

can you add multiple posts ?

[MTRP] n3wking posted

Hey, is there a way to change to props and have our own "Signpost" ? I would like to change to a wooden one ?

Thomas posted

I'm here too for a suggestion, can we perma those entities?

Proactive posted

I heard that this addon doesn't take into account the pathing a player has to take to reach the destination. If this was added I would 100% purchase this addon! (Just a suggestion) :)

2REK Author posted

Yes he is. But what a wonderful addons he creates :O

Handi Purchased posted

wow the author is such a jerk

Matrix posted

Looks extremely nice but a Youtube Video is always nice to show through all the features and how to do etc. Anyways Goodluck!!!

2REK Author posted

As for the review about custom icons. We will see to that :)

Evans posted

Simple but Sexy :)

Diablos Moderator posted

Planned to make this a few days ago lmao..... GLWS man!

Anthony posted

These look really nice tbh.

Rako posted

ay that's pretty good b0ss

2REK Author posted

Thanks guys :)

Banters posted

My god it's fucking beautiful.

Sterling Pierce Purchased posted

glws! video would be nice :)

Owain posted

Nice to see you releasing addons again. glws!

clear posted


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