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DarkRP HUD, wanted without armor, hungermod supported!
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In short

This HUD is a follow-up of my add-on silkyMOTD. It opts for a simplistic, yet unique and sleek design, requiring no additional downloads for your clients, and works right off the bat.


This HUD is a follow-up of my add-on silkyMOTD. It opts for a simplistic, yet unique and sleek design, requiring no additional downloads for your clients, and works right off the bat.

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  • No DRM!
  • Works right off the bat!
  • Simplistic but unique and sleek design
  • No downloads required!
  • Supports latest version of DarkRP, TTT and Sandbox
  • Works on all resolutions (minimum: 1024x768)
  • Replaces DarkRP main HUD
  • Job, wallet, salary
  • Supports hungermod if enabled
  • Gunlicense in Job name
  • Lockdown
  • Wanted
  • Agenda
  • Real time, map (city name)
  • Replaces TTT main HUD
  • Role, credits, spectator HUD
  • Round time, round state
  • Replaces other parts of general HUD
  • Ammo (animated!)
  • Playermodel (or avatar) with surrounding circles for hunger, health and armor, with gradient background using your team / role color
  • Rank
  • Smoothly animated!
  • Easy configuration! (in cl_main.lua)
  • Configure the HUD's main position if the default one doesn't suit you.
  • Configure the Ammo HUD position if needed
  • Configure vertices of polygons to make the HUD look a little different
  • Toggleable Blur mode!
  • Choose to display the player's avatar instead of their playermodel!
  • Lifetime updates, bugfixes and support

Future updates planned

  • DarkRP: Player overhead info, door info display
  • TTT: TargetID, Support Overtime / Haste Time
  • Maybe more? Ideas will certainly sprout in my head.


Same as any basic add-on!

1. Unzip "" into your server's add-ons directory.

2. Make sure the "silkyhud" directory is in there before freaking out about it not working!

3. Change the config in "cl_main.lua" to your liking

4. Leave a review!


Q: It doesn't work!!!

A: Unless you give me some error, I can't help you with just that. Create a support ticket giving me a complete error log and make sure you installed it properly. It might also be a conflicting add-on.

Q: Why do I have an error texture on the ammo HUD's bottom right side?

A: This assumes you have Counter-Strike: Source installed, so if you don't have it, purchase it right away!

Q: I don't like how claustrophobic the HUD makes me feel.

A: Thankfully you can change how the HUD is positioned in the config to make it suit your needs!


If a script error / bug has shown up, something looks wrong or you simply have a feature suggestion, add me or create a support ticket! I should be able to do something about it.

Don't forget to check out my other add-ons!

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4.24 average based on 16 reviews

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This product is marked as unsupported. That means there is no support available for this product.
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