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Badboy Purchased posted

Hey i have an Dark RP server with over 30 addons but one make problems : [ERROR] addons/silkyhud/lua/silkyhud/cl_main.lua:467: attempt to concatenate a nil value

  1. fn - addons/silkyhud/lua/silkyhud/cl_main.lua:467
  2. unknown - lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109

I Dont check the problem i looked in the lua file and i dont know pls help me

Shadow Purchased posted

My server used darkrp and it doesn't work 10/10

Bell Author posted

Is your gamemode based off of DarkRP? If not, then that's why it doesn't work. teamName = (ply:getDarkRPVar("HasGunlicense") and "Licensed " or "") .. ply:getDarkRPVar("job") .. (ply:Health() > ply:GetMaxHealth() and (" - " .. ply:Health() .. " HP") or "") This is the problematic line and probably linked to the getDarkRPVars that your gamemode might not use or something.

Obama Sin Laden posted

The server is running HaloRP and the error is: Error in hook HUDPaint: addons/silkyhud/lua/silkyhud/cl_main.lua:467: attempt to concatenate a nil value stack traceback: addons/silkyhud/lua/silkyhud/cl_main.lua:467: in function 'fn' addons/ulib-v2_63/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109: in function <addons/ulib-v2_63/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:92> [C]: in function '‌​'

Bell Author posted

What gamemode are you running? Any errors?

Obama Sin Laden posted

Cant see the armor and health circles around the picture of the character is there an option we have to enable in cl_main.lua?

Bell Author posted

Weapon names show properly to me?

Bell Author posted

That is normal if you have multicore rendering turned on, it doesn't handle polygons well and I can't really do anything about this. Multicore rendering isn't supposed to be stable and used like it is. I'll check the issue with ttt weapon names

Tjhooker73 «|°_°|» Purchased posted

Another issue, Sometimes the hud will glitch out all over the screen. I'll upload a video I recorded of it if that'll help you

Tjhooker73 «|°_°|» Purchased posted

One more thing, Default TTT weapons will say "Weapon"_Name

Bell Author posted

Fixed in next update, updating asap.

Tjhooker73 «|°_°|» Purchased posted

I could have sworn i had put this earlier

[ERROR] addons/silkyhud/lua/silkyhud/cl_main.lua:116: bad argument #1 to 'GetBonePosition' (number expected, got nil)

  1. GetBonePosition - [C]:-1
  2. DrawModel - addons/silkyhud/lua/silkyhud/cl_main.lua:116 3. Draw - addons/silkyhud/lua/silkyhud/cl_main.lua:169 4. v - addons/silkyhud/lua/silkyhud/cl_main.lua:370 5. unknown - lua/includes/modules/hook.lua:84 When using
Tjhooker73 «|°_°|» Purchased posted

Is there any way to add some kind of numerical value to the hud for health? That's the only real complaint I've gotten from some of my TTT Players

Bell Author posted

There is none but you can make the hud be more in the corners.

Colors posted

is there a way to make the hud smaller because thats the only thing holding me back from getting it

LPN64 posted

give back meta svn access

XuM7y9SxZy posted

Can we have more screenshots or videos of the TTT hud? I'm quite interested. :p

Bell Author posted

Don't know any.

|DC| Drewbie posted

Any server with this on? I'd like to see it in action ( TTT )

Bell Author posted

nope, it's on the list of planned features

SoulTurtle posted

Does this HUD have something where when you look at another player it will tell you their name and job or something like that?

Bell Author posted

Not sure, as it seems to be a TTT ripoff.

Azus posted

Does it support Breach Gamemode? (new rlly popular gamemode :D more popular than prop hunt actually.)

Bell Author posted


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