Simple Party System

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In short

What is Simple Party System? This is an MMO style party system to team up with your friends Wanted status/connection status displayed on party member hud. Party damage negated between members (config)

Simple Party System

  • This is an MMO style party system to team up with your friends
  • Gives you the ability to see the health and armor of your fellow party members
  • Wanted status/connection status displayed on party member hud.
  • Party damage negated between members (config)


  • Ability to see when your friends are in trouble

  • Ability to see if your friends are wanted

  • Gives you a sense of group

  • Prevents party killing during raids

  • Colors can be changed from the config

  • ALL LUA (so you dont have to have your players download anything)

  • Party Chat (/p message)

  • Ability for players to set the color of the halo

  • Ability to see the members of the party before requesting an invite

  • Self Translate (easy config options for all words used)

  • Nameable parties

  • Force Team Party Groups (optional) you can set up groups that will automatically be put into a party and automatically removed when they leave certain teams


REMEMBER, If you like my scripts please leave me a review.

If you have any issues please add me on steam as it is the fastest way to get support from me

A special thanks to billy for allowing me to use his GUI base

Product reviews

5.00 average based on 50 reviews

What else do you need?
THE perfect party system for your DarkRP server, even if it's a SeriousRP, it fits! You can team up with your friends, check their health, check if they're wanted, and it adds this great feeling of grouping together, also this makes it so you can't damage your party members (configurable) but still, that's an awesome feature, buy all of his addons, excellent support and excellent addon.
This product was received for free
By nocturni -
(version 21.02.04)
Great System
I like the system, it seems much more clean and user friendly than other party/squad systems I've seen.
By Ren -
(version 20.11.17)
Play as a team
I love. Very practical for team play. Allows you to make teams of 5 players. Convenient to see allies, avoid teammate kill.
By Heaven -
(version 30.6.19)
Author's reply
👍 Thanks for the review! Really means a lot and i am glad you are enjoying it. If you need help with anything feel free to add me on steam
By [π]Minos -
I recommend it.
This party system has all the features you could want, good customization. And is pretty much the only script that does what it does. Should be sold for higher.
By flavorcity -
(version 30.6.19)
Rizzle O
I recieved this for free...
But I would have gladly paid for it, this party add-on is simple and it works. Enough said. Set it and forget it.
This product was received for free
By Rizzle O -
(version 18.9.9)
1 of 11
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by [π]Minos

This addon is still supported

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