If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
In your config, YOU set how to open the menu.
Why havent you asked this in the support discord?

how do i bring up the dam menu?
why havent you told anyone how to? what the hell?

Add rainbow color

You should add a few more themes for the UI :P

interesting. well if you have a way to read network variables with e2 then you can do it
or the table that is visible to clients is "parties" (the lua equivalent to print this table would be PrintTable("parties") so if you can run lua on this particular server. lua_run_cl PrintTable("parties") will do what you are asking

Okay, thank you. I don't have any purchases because a lot of what I do is E2 stuff and I come on here once and a while to get information from developers on stuff like what I asked you.

but party info is networked to the clients so if you have a way of reading network variables you can get all the info you need

over a year on the site with no purchases. asking about a script you do not own.
as for the console command to print out info. no there is not

?? Am trying to make and E2 that gets your friends in a party to add to a smart door. Why did you say "i dont support pirates"?

i dont support pirates

Is there a console command to print out info on the party or just the name of the player in your party?

You can chat in your party by using /p before a message

Is there a group voice chat in this system?

It should work but they are not coded to work together. Will fix any issues that might arise from using both at the same time

Does this work with Atlas chat? (it's a chat box with chat tags)

You can set auto party teams and that would put the player into the team they are on.

Ah dang I see, wanted to use this for ZS but it needs to keep the party on map change

if the server restarts/map changes they disban if the leader of the party leaves, they disban.

Do the parties here save or are they just for 1 map only?

Should automatically do that and admins can already delete parties, Open a support ticket please

Can you add automatic delete, IF no client is in a party and for admins: admins can delete partys.

Oh you need to hold c when you can see it and drag it to a good spot for your resolution. I will work on making that easier this week

I have tried it and it does not work. Hud is displayed in native resolution. Any other resolution leaves it out of the picture.

Try rejoining while in window mode. I think the issue is when you switch from full screen to windowed.
I will work on a fix for this soon