If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.This addons got a translate config?
also if this latest version messes screws with this script working with other gamemodes then let me know, it is my intention that this continue to work with other gamemodes
Update for team group forced parties is out, sorry it took so long guys
Then sold! Thanks for the fast response.
Or should, if it doesnt i will fix it so that it does
Does the non-gamemode specific nature of this script also translate to the no-friendly fire aspect? I'm looking for something for sandbox. Thanks.
ok well im heading to bed right now, il talk to you tomorrow. shoot me any messages you feel like and il see them in the morning
Ok, I'm Bacon on steam right now
like my profile says, add me on steam for support.
I just downloaded the latest version, it is nice, but when I add it to my addons I get around 20fps and without it in addons I get 60 or above...
As my computer hard drive just blew up (was smoking.... ... WTAF) it is going to be a couple of days most likely before i can do any bug fixes. i only know of one error right now that seems to be REALLY rare but just bare with me while i fix my computer
Paypal is doing maintenance transactions will not be processed until midnight at the latest (called them)
okay thanks!
It is give it a moment il add you when im back from dinner.
i purchased this script 10 mins ago and still don't have it, its usually instant?
Thanks man :)
Hi darkness c:
I made that GUI
Now that you made an awesome GUI(The first one was shitty which is why I wouldn't buy) I will purchase this!
Decided to go ahead and do it since people wanted it so bad :P
Again that would require a nearly complete recode of how i check for who the leader is
Add a name system so you can name the party and that is what people see rather then the name of the owner.
Have a few small fixes i am going to be releasing tonight, if you come across any issues please send in a support ticket so i can fix them all at once.