If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
np. this is missing in darkrp and it would therefore sell well. Thanks.

No they can't, they're only able to sell "burglary things". It'll not be added as it's not the point

but can they sell players entities ? can you add this feature ?

Players are only able to sell stolen things that have been spawned by the addon (as shown in the video).

If a player find a printer, can he sell it to the npc ? and a car ?

It's not a ticket worthy question I'ma just replace the add-on and hope it doesn't remove anything.

Open a ticket please

If I remove the addon and replace it with the update will my data save to the data folder or will I loose my progress and have to redo everything?

Updates are planned, I'll do them soon, as fast as possible. And stop posting everywhere that kind of message. Thanks.

Updates planned?

arighty thanks, i was just wondering so people dont get random props spawning inside stuff in their home. Only 1 way to find out i guess

Would it spawn the stuff you steal or do they need to be there by players?
if someone lives there it‘s impossible to finish the job since its probably behind tons of fading doors, I also see that this could cause some abuse.
I like the idea it needs lots of polishing in order to be used by a (real) server.

Donno why its posting my comments twice but eh

Hello, great addon by the looks of it! Just wanted to ask 1 question for later, if i have a mission setup in lets say an apartment which you had in one of your videos on the script, how would that work if someone is already living their and owns the property? Would it just disable the mission until that person sells the property or?

Hello, great addon by the looks of it! Just wanted to ask 1 question for later, if i have a mission setup in lets say an apartment which you had in one of your videos on the script, how would that work if someone is already living their and owns the property? Would it just disable the mission until that person sells the property or?

glws, looks neato
