🗳️ Slawer - Elections | Realistic Mayor Voting System

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Slawer Author posted

Send me a DM, and I'll see what I can do

Harry_75 posted

If we have your mayor addon can we get a discount for this addon?  Slawer

Luca posted

Ayyy. You are great. I will buy ASAP! :)

Slawer Author posted

Da Egg there you go, take a look at the latest updates of both.

Slawer Author posted

I take note about that idea, I'll see if I add something like that in a next update. The screens are optional by the way, you can use them or not. Thanks for the suggestion.

Luca posted

Slawer I think it would be a great idea to have it rotating on the Slawer - Mayor screens, as I don't want to put more screens around my map and it would also give incentive for Slawer - MAyor buyers to also purchase this

Slawer Author posted
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Menschlich thanks for your comment. There are 2 similar systems, you forgot to talk about the most sold (they are at the same price, they don't have both more features / 3D models). I lowered mine for the beginning.

Menschlich posted

UI looks very clean, but yes this is pretty overpriced in my opinion...

Yes thats correct your addon is 9 Cent cheaper than the other elections system, but that has actually a lot of 3d models and way more features...

I think you would get way more purchases if you would lower the price to like 7.99 or something...

Slawer Author posted
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Thanks again you all!

Seefox that's not 12€ and if you take a look at other similar systems, mine is cheaper.

Seefox posted

3 UI 12€ 😒

Fleodon posted

Nice idea, GLWS :)

David [SWN] posted

Looks amazing :O as always

Kasper posted

UI looks sick GLWS!

Slawer Author posted

Thanks guys!

Da Egg there are 2 different for the moment as there can be different info to display on both.

Wolflix posted

Simple and luxury design and simple to use GLWS mate !

Luca posted

Does this work with slawyer

mayor screens?

AzErY Purchased posted

Très bon aperçut bravo!

Brickwall Moderator posted

UI looks really good! GLWS

[Oveo RôlePlay] Yepco Purchased posted

Simple et propre ! GG ! :D

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