💼 Slawer - Jobs | Employers NPCs & In-game Jobs Creation

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You don’t want to spend too much time on making your DarkRP jobs because you could spend it somewhere else? You don’t want your players to use their F4 to change of job because that’s not realistic but a NPC? Here is what you need then. All in one addon!

The addon is providing two important features in only one addon, something that no one has ever done.

  1. Employers NPCs which are configurable in-game.
  2. DarkRP Jobs in-game creation (editing/deleting as well).

Both of those features do have clean user interfaces and have been thought for a great user experience as possible. However, if you just want to use one of them, you can as well.

  • In-game creation
  • In-game configuration
  • Fast & easy to set up
  • Custom NPC model
  • Custom NPC name
  • Multi-maps support
  • Disable job changing without accessing a NPC (some jobs can be excluded)
  • Compatible with other addons (listed below)
  • UTime compatibility
  • Level compatibility
  • Job icon configurable
  • Automatically saved

  • In-game creation
  • In-game configuration
  • Fast & easy to use
  • No restart required
  • Advanced job configuration
  • All of the most necessary configurations for a job

An admin tool is provided to make the in-game configuration easy as possible. It is very simple to use but if you don't know how to do something, you might find your answer in the "In-game configuration" tab.

  • Configurable theme colors
  • You can change all the colors that are used in the addon
  • Configurable time format used
  • A lot of languages are available and more are coming thanks to you all

All the tips below are made for the in-game tool. If you're using a jobs.lua file, you need to know the following things:

  1. If you want to set a time requirement: set utime = 5, (seconds) in your DarkRP job creation code
  2. If you want to set a level requirement: set level= 5, in your DarkRP job creation code
  3. If you want to set an icon: set icon = "materials/slawer/jobs/your_file.png, in your DarkRP job creation code

If you want to create a new employer NPC, follow these steps:

  1. Take the admin weapon (Slawer | Jobs Category)
  2. Look at wherever you want the employer
  3. Do a left click

If you want to edit an employer NPC, follow these steps:

  1. Take the admin weapon (Slawer | Jobs Category)
  2. Look at an employer
  3. Do a right click
  4. Edit all the information that you want (name, model, jobs)
  5. Click on the "Save" button

If you want to delete an employer NPC, follow these steps:

  1. Take the admin weapon (Slawer | Jobs Category)
  2. Look at an employer
  3. Do a right click
  4. Click on the "Delete" button

If you want to create a new DarkRP job, follow these steps:

  1. Type /sjobs in the chat
  2. Click on "Create a new job"
  3. Fill in all the fields that you need
  4. Click on the "Create/Save the job" button

If you want to edit a DarkRP job, follow these steps:

  1. Type /sjobs in the chat
  2. Click on the pen of the job that you want to edit
  3. Edit all the fields that you want
  4. Click on the "Create/Save the job" button

If you want to delete a DarkRP job, follow these steps:

  1. Type /sjobs in the chat
  2. Click on the cross of the job that you want to delete

If you don't have lua knowledge, here is some help to make a custom check:

  1. If you want to allow only some jobs: return table.HasValue({"Citizen", "Any other team", "Etc..."}, team.GetName(ply:Team()))
  2. If you want to allow only some ranks: return table.HasValue({"vip", "admin", "Etc..."}, ply:GetUserGroup())
  3. If you want to allow only some SteamID: return table.HasValue({"STEAM_XXX", "STEAM_XXXXXX", "Etc..."}, ply:SteamID())

If you want to add a custom icon displayed in an employer NPC, follow these steps:

  1. Go to: slawer_jobs/materials/slawer/jobs/
  2. Drop the PNG file here
  3. And in-game, for the icon, set as materials/slawer/jobs/your_file.png

If you want to translate the addon in another language unavailable just send me the content below translated. It must be in your primary language.

return {
    noAccess = "You do not have access to this",
    needUseNPC = "You need to use a NPC to change your job",
    needSuperadmin = "You need to be superadmin",
    needAdmin = "You need to be admin",
    needTime = "You need to have more than %s",
    needLevel = "You must be at least level %s",
    needJob = "You need to be %s",
    errorOccured = "An error has occured, please try again",

    none = "None",

    invalidValue = "Invalid value: ",
    teamAlreadyTaken = "Team ID already taken by a default job",
    commandAlreadyTaken = "Command already taken by another job",

    darkRPJobs = "DarkRP Jobs",
    name = "Name",
    teamID = "Team ID",
    command = "Command (without /)",
    category = "Category",
    needToChangeFrom = "Need To Change From",
    adminRank = "Admin Rank",
    salary = "Salary (without currency)",
    max = "Max (0 = unlimited)",
    description = "Description",
    color = "Color",
    model = "Model",
    weapons = "Weapons",
    customCheck = "Custom Check",
    customCheckFailMessage = "Custom Check Fail Message",
    mayor = "Mayor",
    chief = "Chief",
    medic = "Medic",
    cook = "Cook",
    hobo = "Hobo",
    hitman = "Hitman",
    vote = "Vote",
    hasGunLicense = "Has Gun License",
    canDemote = "Can Demote",
    icon = "Icon (directory)",
    seconds = "seconds",
    createANewJob = "Create a new job",
    createSaveJob = "Create/Save the job",
    edit = "Edit",

    restrictions = "RESTRICTIONS",
    become = "BECOME",

    npcConfig = "NPC Configuration",
    jobs = "Jobs",
    save = "Save",
    delete = "Delete",
    npcDeleted = "The NPC has successfully been updated",
    unknownJob = "Unknown job",

    jobCreated = "Job successfully created",
    jobDeleted = "Job successfully deleted",

    leftAdminTool = "Left Click: Create a new employer",
    rightAdminTool = "Right Click: Edit the employer",

  1. Unzip the file and place it into /garrysmod/addons/
  2. you need an advanced configuration, look at slawer_jobs/lua/slawer_jobs/config.lua
  3. Restart your server

SlownLS Timmy Seth samgaze · Supporting/Advising me

Product reviews

5.00 average based on 6 reviews

cool mod
The developer's communicative finesse has been an unanticipated delight. Their responsiveness and affability in elucidating intricacies, addressing concerns, and embracing suggestions has engendered a partnership that resonates with collaborative synergy. It is not just the product that is exemplary; it is the holistic experience of engagement that marks this professional as a paragon of virtuous work ethics. The add-on forged by this developer is an embodiment of digital alchemy, where the lines of code transmute into a golden user experience. It is with great enthusiasm and admiration that I bestow this glowing appraisal, a modest attempt to encapsulate the magnificence that transpires when boundless skill meets unwavering dedication. Unreservedly, an unequivocal five stars.
By Farifafa -
(version MenuOpen)
great addons
this is verry great addons cool dev and they have no mutch config need so if u need it to buy it u can go
By melQc -
(version 1.0.4)
Absolutely a Beautiful script!!
Super easy configuration, with no problems at all. Such an amazing script to have and I definitely recommend this to anyone who wants a script which is super easy to configure and setup.
By James -
(version 1.0.3b)
Love the design, very easy to set up and is more serious and realistic than an f4 menu.
By ModoSN -
(version 1.0.3b)
Best jobs script.
For a long, long time I've been waiting for a script like this. Works perfectly fine and has a nice UI. Also, I suggested him a new feature for the script and he responded back very soon. The second script I buy from Slawer, always worth buying. 10/10
By Goran -
(version 1.0.1b)
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  • DarkRP
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