SleekLoad - Loading Screen

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KinppyTTV Purchased posted

Is there a way to change the text size cause it's too big.

Katsuki Purchased posted

I can't modify the loading screen code, I need help please

Pedro69 Purchased posted

So do players without chromium not see this loading screen?

Spy Purchased posted

Hey, can I get help setting the WebHost up?

Ben posted

i made a web host and put the files in there, what do i do from there to get the link?

Mirano posted

Hey, can I use custom videos to put on background ?

Solid Snake Purchased posted

Hey guys,

So I have configured how I want it, I use Fasthosts for web hosting, however I am very basic at this, I went into File Manager on my web host and uploaded the sleepload2 folder into there, I have zero ideas on how to get the url? Like I said the one from the file manager but it didn't work...

Any help at all please ?

Thank you

azalty Purchased posted

ANewWaffleyes you can

Jonathanyoutube isn't working anymore, make sure to upload musics as ogg in your webhost

Arcane Fury Purchased posted

Why doesn't music play in the game,i add the music in paper file,but is not work.

ANewWaffle posted

can you remove the sleekLoad text that is in the corner?

xTcR | Gunter posted

Is there a way where I can put multiple videos as a background?

ThatWinterLemon Purchased posted

how do i link this


[VRP] Jonathan Purchased posted

Is it possible to change the position of the loading bar?

Zinx Purchased posted

just wasted your time, never see nthat line.... ty anyway

doutor-minhoca Author posted

@Zinx yes, by modifying var l_musicVolume = 15; in the config.js file

Zinx Purchased posted

is it possible to change the music volume?

doutor-minhoca Author posted

@thebestname21422 Please, create a support ticket

no Purchased posted

Just tested - Music will still not play from Youtube.

no Purchased posted

So it will just play?

doutor-minhoca Author posted

@thebestname21422 You don't need to click in-game. The button doesn't appear in-game

no Purchased posted

What is the point of this update when they cannot click inside of the game...

Yoh Sambre Purchased posted

thx for update (:

Aws0me Purchased posted

Luna... you click the folder and drag it to the webserver... there you go :/

Luna ☾ Purchased posted

I'm going out of my mind trying to set up a webhost and figuring out how to add the file to it. It's impossible!!

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