[-20%] 🔫 SlownLS - Firearms | Gun license & Shooting range

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In short

DarkRP has always needed a good firearms system, including firearms license card, shooting range and more! Here it is, for you!

If you have a role-play server, the addon has been designed for you! In fact, the addon has a realistic system and models for a better role-play experience.

  • Shooting range
  • Custom 3D Model
  • In-game configuration
  • Fast & easy to set up
  • Clean user interfaces
  • NPC Interface
  • License card (2D & 3D)
  • Multi-languages support
  • Multi-maps support
  • Possibility to restrict the player to 2 weapons, one primary and one secondary (configurable)

To use the system, all you have to do is to place an NPC and configure the available licenses.

Once the NPC is created, you have to create a zone and place the targets in this zone (see the video), you can do /firearms to see the list of zones and their positions.

As a player, all you have to do is to go to the NPC with the necessary money to be able to try the test, once you paid, a logo appears on your screen, you just have to go there, once close the test starts, to pass the test you must have the necessary points indicated on your screen.

If you pass the test, a card will be given to you indicating the type of license you have. 

If you have any problem with the addon or if you have a suggestion, you can open a ticket and specify the error (if there is one).

Please be specific in your ticket.

Thank you not a toxic survivor for the models

Thank you Samgaze for his advices and banners

Thank you Slawer for his advices

  1. Unzip the file and place it into /garrysmod/addons/
  2. Configure this addon at slownls_firearms/lua/slownls_firearms/shared/config.lua
  3. Restart your server

FlexLib : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2063454425

Content : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2167481030

If you want to translate the addon in another language unavailable just click on the link and you'll just have to follow the instructions and you'll get a -50% coupon once your translation is approved. It must be in your primary language.

Server :

  • SlownLS.Firearms:AddTarget(intZone, vecPos, angPos)
  • SlownLS.Firearms:SpawnTarget(intID)
  • SlownLS.Firearms:SpawnTargets(intZone)
  • SlownLS.Firearms:RemoveTarget(ent)
  • SlownLS.Firearms:SaveTargets()
  • SlownLS.Firearms:SaveZones()
  • SlownLS.Firearms:ResetEntities(intZone, boolUP)
  • SlownLS.Firearms:StartTest(pPlayer, intZone, intTest)
  • SlownLS.Firearms:StopTest(pPlayer, boolForce)
  • SlownLS.Firearms:ResetZone(intZone)
  • SlownLS.Firearms:AddZone(tblPoints, vecPos)
  • SlownLS.Firearms:DeleteZone(intKey)
  • SlownLS.Firearms:InsideZone(vec1, vec2, vecPos)
  • SlownLS.Firearms:IsInZone(vecPos)
  • SlownLS.Firearms:GetFreeZone()
  • SlownLS.Firearms:NextTarget(intZone)
  • SlownLS.Firearms:RemoveLicenses(pPlayer)

Client :

  • SlownLS.Firearms:OpenMenu(ent)
  • SlownLS.Firearms:OpenAdmin(tblZones)

Hook (server) :

  • SlownLS:Firearms:Player:Success : pPlayer, intPoint, intTest
  • SlownLS:Firearms:Player:Failed : pPlayer, intPoint, intTest
Product reviews

5.00 average based on 1 reviews

Echt gut
leichte und schnelle Erklärung mit dem Video. Dazu ist das Skript ein sehr cooles Featur für einen DarkRP Server.
By Pain -
(version 1.0.2)
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