[-20%] 🕵️ SlownLS - Hitman | An advanced hitman system

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An advanced hitman system for your darkrp server

The addon that you need to have a great hitman job on your DarkRP server, the addon is completely customizable and simplistic, it comes with custom templates for better gameplay experience.

To make a contract, all you have to do is go to a phone booth and enter the necessary information, the hitman will then receive a notification, he will be able to consult the contract sent on this tablet, he will then be able to accept it or not, if he accepts, he will then be able to analyze the victim thanks to these binoculars, it will tell him if the target is there right.

With this addon, you add a very important job to your server, the hitman. Then, you allow all your players to create a rivalry between them, so you will create an interaction with your players.

  • Clean UI Design
  • Custom model
  • Realistic system
  • Fully customizable (time, max price, description etc...)
  • Hitman HUD
  • Blacklist for specific jobs

To delete all current contracts, use this command: slownls_hitman_rcontracts (superadmin only)

If you have any problem with the addon or if you a suggestion, you can open a ticket and specify the error (if there is one).

Please be specific in your ticket.

  1. Unzip the file and place it into /garrysmod/addons/
  2. Configure this addon at slownls_taxi/lua/slownls_hitman/shared/config.lua
  3. Restart your server

Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=764395035 (Binoculars models)

Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1962912203 (Tablet models)

To add booth : slownls_hitman_addbooth in your console (client)

To delete booth : slownls_hitman_deletebooth in your console (client)

If you want to translate the addon in another language unavailable just send me the content below translated and you'll get a -50% coupon. It must be in your primary language.

local LANGUAGE = {
    firstName = "First name",
    lastName = "Last name",
    gender = "Gender",
    male = "Man",
    female = "Woman",
    unknown = "Unknown",
    choosePlayer = "Choose a player...",
    proposePrice = "Propose your price",
    detailPerson = "Detail the person",
    sendContract = "Send the contract",
    cancelContract = "Cancel the contract",
    info = "Info",
    award = "Award",
    target = "Target",
    contractAvailable = "Contract available",
    onGoingContract = "In progress contract",
    listOfContracts = "List of contracts",

    timeLeft = "Time left",
    occupation = "Occupation",
    distance = "Distance",

    contractCanceledVictimDeath = "The contract was cancelled because the victim is dead",
    contractCanceledDisconnect = "The contract was cancelled because the victim disconnected",
    contractCanceledDeath = "The contract was cancelled because you're dead",
    contractCanceledDeathClient = "Your contract was cancelled because the hitman is dead",   
    contractCanceledTime = "Contract cancelled, time limit exceeded",   
    contractCanceledRefunded = "Contract cancelled, you have been refunded",   
    contractFinishedClient = "A hitman made the hit",
    contractFinished = "You've been rewarded for completing your contract",
    contractTaken = "Contract successfully taken",

    contractSendedHitman = "A new contract has been received, you have to get rid of someone!",
    contractSended = "Contract successfully sent",
    contractAlready = "You already have a current contract",
    contractAlreadyTaken = "This contract is already in progress",
    contractNoTake = "You can't take this contract",
    contractDelay = "You have to wait to send another contract",

    priceMin = "The price is too low (minimum %s)",
    priceMax = "The price is too high (maximum %s)",
    descriptionShort = "The description is too short",
    descriptionLong = "The description is too long",
    noMoney = "You don't have enough money",

    targetUnknown = "UNKNOWN TARGET",
    targetLocked = "IDENTIFIED TARGET",
    night_vision = "NIGHT VISION",


Thanks Battlepope98 for the binoculars model (workshop)

Thank you Sterling Pierce for the Tablet model

Product reviews

4.83 average based on 6 reviews

sekacOLOY (Jake Adams)
The addon itself is awesome and the support was outstanding! Great stuff!
By sekacOLOY (Jake Adams) -
(version 1.0.3)
Très bonne addon parfait pour un bon RP. Support rapide et efficace, je conseille pour vos serveurs.
By Awesome -
(version 1.0.2)
Possibly Paul
Clean, Crisp, Light-weight
Support for the add-on? It's there, response within 5 minutes. Crisp? You bet this add-on is sleek, clean, and well refined. Config is running on the light side, but has the essentials. Looking around for a hit man add-on? This is it, can't argue with the competitive pricing.
By Possibly Paul -
(version 1.0.2)
Написал разработчику попросил сделать меню заказов через команду и текст над энтити в итоге он мне отписал что все сделает(прошло 2 недели ничего не сделал) а так впрц неплохой аддон.
By Dopler -
(version 1.0.1)
Author's reply
gqfdesjkhqgsdjkghqgesdjgkqsdkjholgzeaqgeajgqdsoigqs qsdetfgsqgqsgsqgfsqgqs
By SlownLS -
Hugo Vers 32 On est la!!
Parfait !
Super addon, merci pour cet addon qui va développer le rp !
By Hugo Vers 32 On est la!! -
(version 1.0.1)
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