☀️Solar Panels - The first renewable energy mod! (Printers/VCMod/SF2)

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Get rid of your printers and give to your players a new way to make money. Experience a new script never seen on Garry’s Mod. With solar panels, you can make money and refuel your Tesla!🤭🚀

💸🔋 Fléodon's Solar Panels is a new mod that allows you to produce electricity through solar panels. The script allows the player to use the electricity produced to resell it to the market and charge electric vehicles.

👑 With a lot of amazing features, your players will finally be able to play something never seen anywhere and that will differentiate your server from others. We had printers, bitminers, tobacco, that is so old .. opt now for your solar panels!

DarkRP only!

All the listed features are configurable and can be deactivated in the sh_config.lua file.

Supported addons:

💸 Realistic Selling System

Selling his production directly through the transformer would be unrealistic, so you're gonna have to plug a cable between a grid connector (in red) and your transformer connector (in blue) to be able to send your production in the grid and be paid back. The resale price can be configured by the admin in the configuration file.

To increase the user experience, some sounds are played, for example when you plug a cable.

📈Demand & Supply Law

The price of resale is fixed according to the quantity of supply and demand. The more transformers connected, the lower the price of electricity.

You can adjust the decrease in price per transformer connected in the configuration file. By default, it is a decrease of 1% per transformer, so if there are 10 transformers the price will be lowered by 10%.

🖥️ Console Command

An amazing console command is available to be able to control and use the transformer. A bunch of commands are configured:

  • on: turns on the transformer
  • off: turns off the transformer
  • sell: sells the production
  • set_password: set a password (useful to protect your transformer from thieves)
  • refuel: refuel the vehicle connected to the vehicle

Just press [E] on the transformer to open the console. You can also open it through the Remote Control Menu.

📶Remote Control Menu (WIFI Antenna)

Control your transformer from wherever you want with the WIFI antenna. By default, type "!solar" in the chatbox to open the RC Menu and manage your transformers from it.

🚗Refuelling System

Instead of selling your production, you can also refuel your electric vehicle with it. 3 vehicles are available by default (Tesla, Nissan Leaf, and Toyota Prius), you can add more vehicles through the configuration file.

🖼️ Complete User Interface

Your players will play with an impressive interactive and neat interface: fancy colors, sounds, hints, 3D2D, interactive buttons, blur, custom notifications etc..

Other features

  • Sun Detection: you can determine if you want the solar panels to be exposed to the sun.
  • Admin Tool: useful for admin to place the grid connectors.
  • Temperature with cooler.
  • The power capacity of the transformer can be upgraded with an extra battery.
  • Translated in several languages.
  • Unique models.
  • Custom notifications.

Place power plugs anywhere you want thanks to the Admin Tool. You won't need to apply a perma props on the connector you've spawned, it is automatically saved for each map.

This tool will allow you to control where players can use their transformer, for example in a house with a garden. Without this power connector, players cannot sell their production.

The button "Remove All Connectors" allows you to delete permanently all the grid connectors.


1) Unzip the .zip file, then put the folder 'fleodon_solar_panels' on your garrysmod/addons/ folder.

2) Add the CONTENT PACK & Fléodon's Lib to your workshop collection, otherwise you'll see all the models in error and textures won't be drawn.

3) Restart your game and the server.

General Configuration

To customize the general settings of the script you should go to fleodon_solar_panels/lua/fsolarmod/sh/sh_config.lua

You should restart your server after configured the script in order to apply changes.

Configuration file: https://pastebin.com/u6JhHfjX

I'm more than ready to help you if you encountered a problem. I answer to my support tickets as fast as I can. So, you can create a support ticket through gmodstore.com like everyone does.

But I also provide a FREE discord support: feel free to join it and chat with my community, we will glad to help you!



Transformer Entity (shared):

ENT:GetWIFI() - Returns whether the transformer has a WIFI antenna or not (bool)

ENT:GetOwnership() - Returns the owner of the transformer (ent)

ENT:GetEngineStatus() - Returns the status of the transformer (bool)

ENT:GetLinkedToVehicle() - Returns the vehicle connected to the transformer (ent)

ENT:GetLinkedToGrid() - Returns whether the transformer is connected to the electricity grid or not (bool)

ENT:GetCapacity() - Returns the capacity of the transformer (int)

ENT:GetPowerAmount() - Returns the amount of power produced by the transformer (int)

ENT:GetTemperature() - Returns the temperature of the transformer (int)

ENT:GetDevicesCounter() - Returns the number of solar panels connected to the transformer (int)

High Voltage Cable (server):

ENT:GetTransformer() - Returns the transformer linked to the cable

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