Advanced Spawn Menu - New interface, new features (props menu/Q-menu)

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Nektune posted

[advanced-spawnmenu] RunConsoleCommand: Command is too short, bailing! ()

 1. DoClick - addons/advanced-spawnmenu/lua/advanced-spawnmenu/client/cl_ui_tools.lua:94

  2. onClick - addons/advanced-spawnmenu/lua/advanced-spawnmenu/client/cl_ui_tools.lua:139

  3. DoClick - lua/kvs/client/vgui/tabs.lua:187

   4. unknown - lua/kvs/client/vgui/button.lua:175

democlient Purchased posted

Getting the same issue as detailed below. Maybe someone knows the cause?

❈ℳℛ Friendly❈ Purchased posted

[advanced-spawnmenu] RunConsoleCommand: Command is too short, bailing! ()

 1. DoClick - addons/advanced-spawnmenu/lua/advanced-spawnmenu/client/cl_ui_tools.lua:94

  2. onClick - addons/advanced-spawnmenu/lua/advanced-spawnmenu/client/cl_ui_tools.lua:139

  3. DoClick - lua/kvs/client/vgui/tabs.lua:187

   4. unknown - lua/kvs/client/vgui/button.lua:175

anyone know how to fix this issue whenever i open the options tab or utilities

iTrulx posted

Would be really nice if you added NPC support, when interacting with an Entity it will only open the selected tabs for that entity, for example, you could have a gun dealer entity which will only open the weapons tab. :)

Rosenberg Purchased posted

This is still working today 5/29/2022

I have not encountered any of the problems some people have posted here or any problem at all. The search function works fine for me.

ZuFy Purchased posted

Don't buy this if you don't want a lot of work. It is not possible to search like you are able to in the default spawn menu. So every prop and model from an addon must be manually added to folders. I really love the ui and so I really hate to have to uninstall it after finally buying it after 7 months of debating it. I guess I wasted my money in the end though

Regrave posted

Anyone know if this addon still works even though it's no longer supported?

Archerity Purchased posted
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Cool! I'd like to use this on sandbox.

In addition to props, I'd like to be able to divide entities, vehicles, and tools into categories!

Venatuss Author posted

Kyr0 Yes sure!

MightyX3N Purchased posted
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Is it possible to set a customcheck for darkrp jobs?

Beelzebub posted

man, looks awesome! glws

Venatuss Author posted

Heaven It should be, and if it's not just make a ticket so I'll make them compatible. :)

Heaven Purchased posted

Is it compatible with SAM Admin Mod and VCMod ?

If not, will there be support with it later?

Anthony Moderator posted


Wolflix posted

Ah we have needed this GLWS mate

Venatuss Author posted

Thanks everyone !

Karma | LN Currently that's not a feature, I may see to add it in the future if that's something people want.

Harry It's already compatible with simfphys and scripts with custom tabs! Take a look at your configuration file, by default simfphys has a "No one" customcheck.

Harry_75 Purchased posted

possible to add a category support for symphis? The addon is cool otherwise

Karma | LN Purchased posted
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Looks amazing! just one Question can I make only certain Tools invisible for certain ranks? Like that they dont show at all in the Tools menu

timothy posted

Reminds me of the old stranded spawnmenu, looks amazing! GLWS

Timmy posted

Finally! GLWS mate

Hejfi posted

Looks really nice, GLWS!

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