Squads Reborn

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Hello and welcome to SQUAD reborn!

What's this script!

SQUAD reborn it's an advance party system that works under (*)DarkRP where you can create your own groups and invite other people to join at you, you'll be able to see it state as health and armor, when they get damaged, where they are, communicate with your team and more!

You are free to add me and ask manual support for your gamemode if you're up to

What features does it brings?

  1. Full integration with C menu
  2. Up to 12 members in your squad
  3. Voice chat for your SQUAD
  4. Private chat for your SQUAD
  5. Ability to send weapons and money to your team
  6. Ability to watch their screen
  7. An awesome minimap to see where they are
  8. NPC or key binding or widgets, you decide how to open it

Why squad reborn!

####Because it's really hot and great

If you have any doubts, don't doubt to ask me in steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/gonzalologorg/

Thank you so much Jacob for testing it with your community! I'm really grateful for that

Product reviews

5.00 average based on 4 reviews

‡[NWA]‡ Bedcorn
Gonzo back at it again, didn't think I would see a Party/Squads addon be this fleshed out. Amazing work and people like this are what keep the website going.
By ‡[NWA]‡ Bedcorn -
(version 1.2.2)
Easy config, I use it on battlefield events (pvp >50 ply) - don't increase cpu load and clientside runs smoothly. Lots of options, I liked customchecks section in config which could be anything you want - jobs, usergroups, levels, etc. No errors, derma's looking good too, minimap is a thing! Overall, players like it.
By #Attache -
(version 1.2.2)
Jojo Baggins
Great new party system, use it on my server and would recommend it for use on other servers, I really love it and a lot of my players enjoy it, it has often updates and includes many unique features!
By Jojo Baggins -
(version 1.2.2)
So cool. Best support ever <3
By ❄Meignifico -
(version 1.2.2)
Used this on my server with 50+ players and got a surprisingly positive feed back from all my players. Would recommend if your looking for a unique party/squad system on your server.
This product was received for free
By Anthony -
(version 1.0.3)
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This product is marked as unsupported. That means there is no support available for this product.
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