StarWars: TOR - F4 SB HUD and more

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Ananace posted

hi, how to disable name/job above head in game ?

Blackstone Purchased posted

How come the HUD is not shown?

Gonzo Author posted

Not that big, it doesn't take that many resources

Jaster posted

How heavy is the addon?

Ambiorix Purchased posted

Can't find ya workshop for this pack.

Gonzo Author posted

Your gmod downloaded a corrupted gma or you don't have downloads enabled, go to my profile, workshop and download the content manually, it literally can happen with every addon, but don't worry, it's just a weird scenario

Reyes Purchased posted

Hello all I see is missing textures, what am I missing?

Gonzo Author posted

Not possible, UI scalation will make the hud quality get worse due scaling

WheresWallz Purchased posted

Is it possible to make UI larger for hud?

Math (TPOTDS) Purchased posted

I don't receive the script i have pay wtf ?

Iway posted

Hi, this addon is compatible with nutscript or not ?

Core Purchased posted

and is this addon compatible with bwhitelist, because i have it so I only see the jobs im whitelisted to, but with this addon it shows all jobs. Please add a function to for bwhitelist

Core Purchased posted

Yeah, the chatbox isnt there, even if I set UseChatbox to true

TON EMPEREUR Purchased posted

Bonjour j'aurais besoin de ton aide pour le script.

Alex Lennon Purchased posted

The convar dont activate the chatbox :/

Gonzo Author posted

I just told you that it's a darkrpmodification lol

Wuulf posted

So it's possible?

Gonzo Author posted

@Wuulf It's a setting from darkrpmodification

Wuulf posted

Is it possible to configure the HUD so it shows the Credit symbol?

Cody Evans posted

Hey, considering to buy, does this have any config options? To turn off unnecessary aspects like leveling/food or categories in F4?

Gonzo Author posted

Yes, in case you have any issue, feel free to add me

ramen noodles Purchased posted

This works with vrondakis leveling system right?

Kay posted

for me the scoreboard is not yet develop enough , added shortcuts for staff, ...

Warfall Purchased posted

I have weird issues. Everyone on the server can see player info from the entire map and chat don't change.

On the image my friend is on other planet but i still can see his info.

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