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Curator's Featured Review
Adds a new experience to the Gmod world
Garry's Mod is an amazing game by itself, this script adds Need for Speed to this game, giving Garry's Mod "The Crew" experience. It's kinda like the Scars racing for all other cars. except its not Scars. and actually looks good. The way the races run is really good, and provide an interesting experience with the ability to make your race however you want. The customisablility of the checkpoints is cool, and allows you to color code your races. In DarkRP, its fun when the police get sick of the same 4 people doing all the races in one sitting and decide to chase them. All in all, its an experience Im glad I could have with Garry's Mod and will be happy to have it again, and again, and again.
Alex T. Foxe
In short
Probably the best racing script out here.
Do you ever get that feeling that vehicles on your server serve no purpose? StreetRacing eliminates the issue of useless cars by adding another way to keep your players entertained! Unlike the script's title it's not all about street racing. It works with many other different scenarios. Races can be either legal or illegal, on the streets, offroad and even on water. The only limitation is your server's map.
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- DarkRP