If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
Please make LVS vehicles compatible

Is there a way to add multiple races?

Could this be used with starwars ground ships like speederbikes?

Requesting a line to be drawn on the road between checkpoints
only between points in the active race

An option to have cars nocollide with players but not with other cars

A good idea would be to be able to add. If that does not exist a "race over point". The principle is simple, if the player takes the wrong road and goes on this point, he is eliminated. And make sure that when he has lost the race, we delete his car and hand it over to the racing NPC (it also puts the player back in the racing NPC).

I want to use this addon on my personal sandbox mode server. How do I fix my settings?

You should add global music, so you dont need to add seprate music to each race, for people that only want the same songs for all races

Could you do so the checkpoint identicator is in the top middle and bigger, so its easier to see?

i have question about music can i change music when race?

I might add some of these features, although I don't promise anything. Some of this stuff is just way too time consuming.

A big problem I found
- If you become 2nd you get nothing, I think it would be a good thing to get a % of the total winning
- If you did a race the passenger function stops working for vcmod
- If you use l2 plates, the plates get lost after racing

I have an interesting Idea, idk if it can be done, but how about adding the ability for the user to set the amount of laps they want to race. doing so would add a certain amount of cash for each lap. Just a fun Idea, you're doing a great Job with this addon.

Maybe drift race like back in NFS Underground 2?

Can you add a Leaderboard/stat system. That way players can compete to be top of leaderboard and have good stats. I think thats a feature that should be already in you could track stats like Fastest times, win/l rate, and most wins.

I agree with mark, that would be a great addition

no i mean, ok let me try to explain what i was saying, like say the movie "the fast and the furious", the ability to race for pink slips (aka bet your car)! i was asking if you think that would/could be a feature in the future, at least for cars spawned from a wcd/vcmod car dealer?

is theres any chance of adding support for racing for car ownership (racing for pinks) with vcmod or williams car dealer?

Few issues I've came across:
- Cars appear to be locked after exiting them during the race, and failing the race.
- I couldn't find any way to rotate the spawnpoints, so no way to make them spawn a certain way around (front / rear type diagram).
- Not quite sure how to make it work with multiple races? It appears to spawn at another spawnpoint, or can there only be one race?

Actually looks amazing. Also, those driving skills are pretty good saying its gmod.

This looks awesome, I'll keep a sharp eye on this bad boy.