Terrorpack - A Trouble in Terrorist Town weapon pack

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In short

A large selection of Traitor and Detective weapons for TTT.

This addon adds a wide array of weapons and equipment to your TTT server to enhance the gameplay of both the Detective and Traitor teams. These items range from new types of explosive traps to remotely controlled cameras and temporary speed and health boosts.

Each item works as a stand-alone file so you can pick and choose what to add to your server.

This addon will be kept compatible with the latest official release of Garry's Mod for as long as it is available here. If you have any issues, do not hesitate to open a support ticket. Support will only be provided via support tickets.

For Detectives

Bird Cam

Fresh from the TerrorCo. Aviary, these birds have been equipped with hidden cameras. More hardy than the corvids but a lot less explode-y, this is the perfect item for all your spying needs!

Available for Detectives.


Non-lethal weapon of choice for police around the world! Loud and proud, this slow-charging device will fire a bolt of energy enough to make an assailant drop all weapons, letting your forces go in for a safe arrest.

Available for Detectives.

Shield Gun

Sometimes things go south fast, you need to be prepared. TerrorCo.'s new Shield Gun is guaranteed to block all low velocity rounds, buying you those precious extra few seconds to complete your mission and get out. Shields can also double as a platform to get those hard-to-reach items on your top shelf!

Available for Detectives.

Thermal Vision

See your target through solid objects without giving away your position! A must-have for spies everywhere.

Available for Detectives.

For Traitors

Bird Bomb

A new specimen from the TerrorCo. Aviary, this magnificent corvid has been genetically engineered to have micro-explosive in every cell of it's body. Equipped with a microchip and paired with a single remote control, you can unleash hell from the skies from the comfort of your own back yard!

Available for Traitors.

Body Bomb

Have you been naughty? Keep your secrets safe with TerrorCo.'s brand new explosive SecretKeeper. If someone finds out your naughty little secrets, in a flash they'll be gone!

Available for Traitors.


Nowhere to run? Nowhere to hide? No worries! TerrorCo. has you covered with this state-of-the-art identity theft device. Walk proudly through your enemies, knowing they'll see you as one of them thanks to TerrorCo.'s patented disguiser technology!

Available for Traitors.

For Detectives and Traitors

Cloak device

This nifty little contraption allows any user to become nearly invisible to the naked eye! With state-of-the-art TerrorCo. camouflage technology, never get caught snooping again!

Available for all Traitors and Detectives.

Energy Drink

Sometimes you just need a little extra kick, TerrorCo.'s new line of energy drinks gives just that! You'll feel stronger and faster than ever! Comes in two flavours, "Brawny Brew" and "Bold Booze".

Available for Traitors and Detectives.

Iron Boots

You don't need a harness! If you're working high just pick up some of TerrorCo.'s new Iron Boots! With patented GroundBreaking Technology you'll survive falls from ridiculous heights with barely a scratch! Just make sure you land on your feet, or things might get messy.

Available for Traitors and Detectives.

Prop Cannon

A cannon for props. What more is there to say?

Available for Traitors and Detectives.

The follow cvars are provided for configuration of this addon. After installing the addon, you can enter any of these into your server's console (rcon) or your server's server.cfg file to change the settings.

Body Bomb

  • bodybomb_gib [Default 1] Bodies blown up with a body bomb are gibbed.
  • bodybomb_gibs_identifiable [Default 1] Bodies can be identified after being gibbed.


  • disarmer_ammo [Default 0] Uses before disarmer is depleted. 0 is unlimited.

Energy Drink

  • energydrink_decay [Default 0] Points per second to decay from health/speed boost.
  • energydrink_health [Default 25] Health point boost per drink.
  • energydrink_health_max[Default 0] Maximum health when using Energy Drink. 0 is no maximum.
  • energydrink_speed [Default 0.25] Speed multiplier boost per drink.
  • energydrink_speedmax [Default 0.5] Maximum speed multiplier boost.


  • impersonate_showdetective [Default 0] Users impersonating a detective appear as a detective instead of just using the name.
  • impersonate_changetarget [Default 0] Users can change their impersonator target.
  • impersonate_changemodel [Default 0] User's model is switched to the impersonator target. Note: Will not switch model if target body was gibbed (see bodybomb_gib cvar).

Prop cannon

  • propcannon_ammo [Default 0] Uses before prop cannon is depleted. 0 is unlimited.

Shield gun

  • shieldgun_collisions [Default 1] Players collide with shield gun shields.
Product reviews

4.58 average based on 12 reviews

Dumbledore's Nipples
Multiple items don't work as intended
Like other review states the birds do not fly client side and it is stuck in the view of the player position. That was the one item I really wanted and it does not work.
By Dumbledore's Nipples -
(version 2.1.1)
Works great
Nothing more to add, installed and done. Just works how it should. Would recommend it.
By [EG]Blademaster -
(version 2.1.1)
Ehrenwert Ritter
Hello! Everything works fine, except for 3 addons. In TTT2 gamemode Impersonator doesn't show player as detective. Birdcam and birdbomb in latest garrysmod patches also have strange issue. When I deploy seagull or crow on clientside my camera "stuck" in my player position. But on serverside seagull or crow fly as intended.
By Ehrenwert Ritter -
(version 2.1.1)
[AG] Mikel_2014
Very good Items. Fun to play with them. Easy install and no need to change configs. 5/5 stars for this pretty Addon!
By [AG] Mikel_2014 -
(version 2.1.1)
Very good addon, well programmed and visually pleasing. Author has also been noted to take suggestions into account. All items work as advertised, even on my heavily custom server. 10/10
By Vernoctus -
(version 2.0.10)
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