If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
Sweet update.

Will you be releasing any more D/T item and weapon packs?

Pretty sure the thermal camera is responsible for crashing if you use it and look at something it doesn't "like".

Yeah, that makes sense. Honestly though, wouldn't be a terrible idea to add a ConVar to make them unidentifiable. Makes more sense to me that way.
Pretty sure I can make that change myself on my end, so no need to add that feature just for me. Only if it just sounds like a good idea in general. :)

@Vernoctus It was definitely a long-standing issue, but it was never reported before today so I had no idea. Caused by an update in the gamemode a while back.

"Fixed an issue where gibbed bodies would not be identifiable." I thought that was intentional. :|

Awesome addons, thanks for the Updates. The Shield gun made me Spawn with invisible weapons next round :)

Quick note: The "Thermal Vision" weapon is not noted in the item description.

I suggest putting the Energy drink in Limited stock, if you drink it that often you cant catch taht guy

What pointshopt 2 update for cloak?

I don't suppose there's any chance of a pointshop 2 update for the cloak? Little disappointed it doesn't work.

Awesome that there are still updates :-) Or, again x)

during the flight, if you kill a person, the weapon disappears like. It would be possible to kill these birds

@walkka Nope, it's built for TTT, sorry.

Compatible DarkRP ?

Thanks! That was a really quick update haha

Could you make the impersonator change your player model to the whoever your impersonating?

Would it be possible to add a working death faker?

I found a bug. When you come out of stealth and invisibility device is changing rapidly to any weapon you stay half-invisible.

Generally, if you want something changed or fixed, refusing to tell the developer what you want is not the best course of action.

some additions to this code would be nice, from the things i heard about it, it could use some work

Its nice script thanks