The Backpack (Inventory system)

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Redacted posted

Wanna make that if you put something in the box. If I put cocaine inside the backpack, and drop it again. (Example, I got 1000 grams on the floor, I use the backpack tool to pick up the cocaine to the inventory. But it seems that It changed to default and deletes every work that I have done with the cocaine ) Maybe you could do If you put something in, it keeps the same value. :) Peace nice script!

Redacted posted

How do you disable picking up NPC's and other entities. Is there a way to blacklist entities?

Fractal posted

What is it called on the Workshop?

The Sunset posted

lf i die drop all item?

TISAAA_62 posted

I leave my message here as there is a lot of creator who made the script I do not know who to send it to ... my friend bought the script and works with me in partnership the concern being that I I do not have access to his account, I ask or a question, how can we make sure that the inventory "bag" all that has in the next connection everything is still in? Because when we disconnect we have nothing in our inventory ... THANK YOU

Leah posted

How easy is it to change the backpack model? Do items in the backpack save over restart? if not can i place a permanent "bank" or "safe" which does the perm saving?

Pew♥Pew posted

is the backpack lootable?

MasterGamerDK posted


Wren Purchased posted

Can I make it to where certain ULX ranks have a certain amount of storeage? If so, where?

Tesko posted

is it possible that the guns etc. has weight ?

like Ak47 10g Weight / 20g and 1 banana 5g Weight / 20g ?

Stellar Purchased posted

Dude I would remove the pictures with lua errors it looks bad.

BasicallyMental Purchased posted

two questions:

  • do you have an estimate on how long until version 2 is released?
  • where are the textures from the workshop as my FastDL doesn't seem to be picking them up from the server (it is working as it's the only addon where the textures are not adding to FastDL) as the provided link does not work (in the readme.txt)
?empty posted

When you got pictures showing LUA errors. Nice

╬═►MA☺S◄═╬ posted

Hello i was wondering if you could make this compatible with the nutscript framework ? If so i will buy it 100% :D.

Flank Purchased posted

Hey I don't know if anyone has asked this before. If they have my apologies. So I have the cocaine system, basically you need to get this box and fill it with coca leaves. The backpack is able to pick the box up with 30 leaves inside, however, once you drop the box out of the backpack it loses all the leaves. Where the leaves go? They disappear lol. Is there a way to fix this?

✪ ImTemper posted

I don't have the addon So i don't know if any feature like this is in or not, But Would making an Option where when the player dies with a backpack, that it drops to the ground so another player can open it up and loot from it. This should be a true / false option in settings though, incase people don't like that.

ahshop3 posted

When you buy the backpack, you have to requip it after purchase from the store ( free ). I'm working on the backpack 2, so i'll include a option so the players spawn with their backpacks.

Stellar Purchased posted

Can you make it so when a player buys from the shop it stays perm because my playerbase is monaing at me that they have to buy it again every time. Also alot of them have requested a trading system whre you can trade items in the backpack!

Bot Nick posted

have u added the gta 5 backpacks?

ahshop3 posted

If bought through the wall mounted store Then Yeah, you just have to requip it.

draner Purchased posted

Hello Is the badpack PERM


draner Purchased posted

Je vois tout en erreur Moyen de metre la collection

ahshop3 posted

Can ADD AS config option In The backpack2 which is a huge Update om The way

GameStable posted

Would you please do so that the backpack would be issued at spawn of the player?

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