Selling gives $0, why is that?
Selling gives you 0$ ?
are the required items purchased from f4 menu or npc ?
Is there an option to have an NPC that sells the equipment to make it and then one to buy it?
ok so I wont have that issue when buying it ok thank you
Its map shade that was broke in my singleplayer.
I didnt and I mean the screenshots from your Item details
You didnt buy the script>?
The texture of the "leaves" package in the screenshots is broken. Has that been fixed yet?
Can you also update the F4 menu stuff?
Odd, i’ll have a patch ready tommorow
Whenever I try and sell the cocaine, it doesn't give me any money.
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Error(s) occurred while checking out: 520009: Account is restricted
Please notify ahshop3 about this
We reuploaded the workshop content few hours ago, so everything should be fine now. If you still have missing textures, then open a ticket and ill try to upload the content on a different way.
even with the workshop and EVERYTHING mounted (HL2, EP1, EP2, CSS, Portal and the workshop) this still has the purple checkerboard of doom everywhere.
Very nice update <3
New update is out, the stove itself will be in a week or so.
Pots ar re-useable now.
Please fast for re-useable pots
Will make them re-useable next update.
This is decent, but not being able to re-use pots is really annoying.
Open a ticket, an i'll help you out.
How to change sell price of cocaine ?