The Cocaine Factory 2 (drug cooking)

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Lucifer Purchased posted

Selling gives $0, why is that?

[SR] Case [NA] Purchased posted

Selling gives you 0$ ?

Sami posted

are the required items purchased from f4 menu or npc ?

Puppycheese123 posted

Is there an option to have an NPC that sells the equipment to make it and then one to buy it?

Winkeladvokat posted

ok so I wont have that issue when buying it ok thank you

ahshop3 posted

Its map shade that was broke in my singleplayer.

Winkeladvokat posted

I didnt and I mean the screenshots from your Item details

ahshop3 posted

You didnt buy the script>?

Winkeladvokat posted

The texture of the "leaves" package in the screenshots is broken. Has that been fixed yet?

Darker Purchased posted

Can you also update the F4 menu stuff?

ahshop3 posted

Odd, i’ll have a patch ready tommorow

Darker Purchased posted

Whenever I try and sell the cocaine, it doesn't give me any money.

ahshop3 posted

Add me o nsteam

Blaize Purchased posted

Error(s) occurred while checking out: 520009: Account is restricted

Please notify ahshop3 about this

ahshop3 posted

We reuploaded the workshop content few hours ago, so everything should be fine now. If you still have missing textures, then open a ticket and ill try to upload the content on a different way.

Stygian Renegade Purchased posted

even with the workshop and EVERYTHING mounted (HL2, EP1, EP2, CSS, Portal and the workshop) this still has the purple checkerboard of doom everywhere.

Erik Purchased posted

Very nice update <3

ahshop3 posted

New update is out, the stove itself will be in a week or so.

ahshop3 posted

Pots ar re-useable now.

Vente 2 Purchased posted

Please fast for re-useable pots

ahshop3 posted

Will make them re-useable next update.

Zero Kiryu Purchased posted

This is decent, but not being able to re-use pots is really annoying.

ahshop3 posted

Open a ticket, an i'll help you out.

Vente 2 Purchased posted

How to change sell price of cocaine ?

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