🚑The Defibrillator - A thing that every medic needs!

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Ninya Purchased posted


I've found an exploit im not sure how people can do it but for some reason using the defib people can teleport the entire server to them?

Zenlerk Purchased posted

Having a small bit of trouble, the item ingame displays as a massive ERROR, any clue as to how I fix this?

Death posted

Does this script allow me to set how much hp/armor they revive with?

xLomble77 posted

Hey i would like to bought this, but i would to know if the script work with the nicedeathscreen ? https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/nice-deathscreen

kindred008 posted

Would this work on nutscript?

Max Author posted

Hey! You may try to submit tickets for both addons about this and maybe coders would find time to implement the compatibility between the addons.

disconnected Purchased posted

I want to use this addon but it conflicts with my NLR system because revived players are then put into their NLR directly since there is nothing to tell NLR to shut off

Inerte barra de carbon posted

work in ttt?

Max Author posted

Hey. Please make a ticket, Dark is always there to help.

Geska posted

I can not resurrect people

AvoxPaine posted

There used to be a bug in 2016 that allowed players to drop weapons they spawn with if they change jobs while dead and then get revived (they kept their previous jobs weapons). Was this ever fixed?

Mipastu Purchased posted

Could you add compability to advanced death system? thank you.

Rowie posted

When a person gets killed (weapon, car etc ) will they be in a 'down' state?

azalty posted

Can you kill them permanently if they have a heart on their head ? (yes very bad English)

azalty posted


DAVID Purchased posted

Can i change the respawning time somewhere?

Max Author posted

@BusanDaek, Hey. Yes, all of my addons are DRM free! As always

BusanDaek posted

I just wanna ask, Is this DRM free addon? cus I like your addon and we want your addon to be fully customizable for our server. :)

Max Author posted

Sure. It's already uploaded. Intended to be downloaded automatically.

[SG] Spiritwind Purchased posted

Any chance of adding the defibrillator assets to the workshop (not scripts) so people dont have to mess with fast download?

CrixRP | Zman | [Semi LOA] posted

Is it possible to make it so that people cannot respawn immediately after they die like a respawn cooldown?

[HG] Skybird380 posted

My friend has this addon and I helped him find a mistake when it wasn't working. The name of the weapon is actually "weapon_defibrilator" and not "weapon_defibrillator".

Max Author posted

Hello. Make a ticket please.

TISAAA_62 posted

Hello! Say I unimmer up my jobs, I put the weapons: weapon_defibrillator But when I get into this Jobs I do not find it at all, staged that of the admin I can give myself ..


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