The Ecstasy Laboratory (drug cooking) (mdma)

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In short

The Ecstasy Laboratory is a simple, but very useful and essential addon for DarkRP. It gives a new and more controlled method of earning money by providing a whole list of unique features, that creates a new form for unique role-play, that needs to be experienced for you to understand.

Gamemode Support

  • Works with DarkRP 2.7.0+

Feature list

  • Optimized system.
  • Custom Models.
  • Custom materials.
  • Language support system.
  • Sell the mdma without the NPC & Mail (config option)
  • Consume mdma (with effect, also a config option)
  • Npc & postbox perm-saving.
  • Npc & postbox spawn commands.
  • Simple and long process to cook.
  • Gas system for the heater & Cooker.
  • Optimized fire, smoke & other effects.
  • Cocaine plants with animated growth.
  • Cardboard boxes visually open/close.
  • Ingredients display in the pan & deep pan.
  • Visual upgrades displayed on the entities.
  • Nice overheat effects & warning effects.
  • Chance of overheating if you don't remove your pan.
  • Features a compressor with an animated progress bar.
  • Features two cooking processes on a grill & heater plate.
  • Ecstasy value is based more on skill than randomness.
  • Custom mail system, pack your drugs & then send to a city through a postbox & receive money from a npc if succeeded or get arrested.

Cooking Ecstasy

  1. You purchase a heater & a cooker.
  2. Purchase gas bottles and place the bottles on the heater & cooker.
  3. Buy a pan, ahxylene, ahmethylene & salt.
  4. Press e on the heater to turn it on and place the pan on the heater.
  5. Wait until the pan's ingredients turn green and smoke come out before removing it from the heater.
  6. After you buy a deep pan then touch it with the pan & then continue the process with rest of the recipes.
  7. Buy a pot & seed and place the seed on the pot.
  8. Wait for the plant to grow then press e on it. Then place the oil inside the deep pan.
  9. Now press e on the grill (cooker) to turn on the fire. Then place the deep pan on the grill.
  10. When the ingredient switch color and red bobbles come out you must remove it from the grill.
  11. Now buy a compressor and touch it with the deep pan.
  12. Now wait until the compressor creates the mdma.
  13. When you receive the mdma, purchase a cardboard box and place the mdma inside it.

To pack it you need 4 pieces.

  1. When you filled the cardboard box, press e on it.
  2. Find a Post box and select where you want to ship the mdma by pressing e. (The more far away the bigger risk there is in getting arrested, but chance of bigger profit.)
  3. After some time you will receive a message to contact the npc.
  4. Find the npc and press e on him.
  5. You have either received some money or been arrested.


  • You can only cook a pan on the heater and a deep pan on the cooker/grill.
  • When the pan start emitting grey smoke, it mean it's cooked. If the smoke turn red, then you need to be fast to get it away or else it will explode.

You drop the extracted folder in to your addons folder and open addons/lua/mdma/sh/config/config.lua.

You can edit the config to your liking and then restart the server.

Console Commands

When you have spawned the npc/postbox, placed how you want it, then run this command. (after restart server)


If you want to place your npc's / postboxs different ways, then run this command, it delete the current spawn positions.


If you want to spawn the npc.


If you want to spawn the postbox.



You need to force download on the materials/models for people to see them. You do it by adding the content to your workshop collection.

Workshop content link:

If you have any sort of problem with the script you should open a support ticket, and we will get back to you shortly.

Please remember to include the error that occurs and a detailed description of what the issue is. This will make it easier for the supporter to help you as fast as possible.

User Guide

####**How do i cook ecstasy. **###

1. You purchase a heater & a cooker.

2. Purchase gas bottles and place the bottles on the heater & cooker.

3. Buy a pan & ahxylene, ahmethylene & salt.

4. Press e on the heater to turn it on, place the pan on the heater.

5. Wait until the pan's ingredients turn green and smoke come out, to remove it from the heater.

6. After buy a deep pan, then touch it with the pan & then continue the process with rest of the recipes.

7. Buy a pot & seed, then place the seed on the pot.

8. Wait for the plant to grow, then press e on it, then place the oil inside the deep pan.

9. Now press e on the grill(cooker), to turn on the fire, then place the deep pan on the grill.

10. When the ingredient switch color and red bobbles come out, remove it from the grill.

11. Now buy a compressor, and touch it with the deep pan.

12. Now wait until the compressor create the mdma.

13. When you receive the mdma, purchase a cardboard box, and place the mdma inside it.

- To pack it you need 4 pieces.

14. When you filled the cardboard box, press e on it.

15. Find a Post box, select where you want to ship the mdma by pressing e.

- The more far away the bigger risk there is in getting arrested, but chance of bigger profit.

16. After some time you will receive a msg to contact the npc, find the npc and press e on him.

17. You have either received some money or been arrested.

####**Note: **###

- You can only cook a pan on the heater and a deep pan on the cooker/grill.

- When the pan start emitting grey smoke, it mean it's cooked, if the smoke turn red, then you need to be fast to get it away or else it will explode.

####**Equipment Needed: **###

- Plant Seed, which you place on a pot.

- Pot, where you place a plant seed.

- Pan, where you place ahxylene, ahmethylene & salt inside it.

- Deep pan, you fill it with the cooked pan, can fit 3 pan's & 1 plant oil.

- Heater, where you cook the pan.

- Cooker/grill, where you cook the deep pan.

- Gas canisters, which you place on the hater / cooker.

- Compressor, where you drop the cooked ingredients from the deep pan inside (touch it with the deep pan)

- Cardboard, place the finished mdma in it, when you have 4 mdma in it, press e.

There's a few people i'd like to credit for this scripts creation.

  • Credit to Ganged for designing the mailbox and compressor.
  • Credit to Eryk for teaching me about particle emitters.
  • Credit to Old Bill for doing the models.
  • Credit to Nvs2000, [ZG]Erik, Johnny, Jame & Riveq for translating the script.

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Product reviews

5.00 average based on 4 reviews

Ferment Joy
Great Support
AhShop helped me a lot with this add-on. When I asked him if he could add extra options to the addon for my server he did it without hesitation and quickly. AMAZING customer service and I will be sure to check out his other adding. Great support, Great Addon, nothing gets better then that.
By Ferment Joy -
(version 1.2.0)
Great Addon And Support
Great addon, Any issues i had the developer was very useful and helped me to fix it! Would recommend to anyone trying to make a darkrp server
This product was received for free
By Kanny -
(Never downloaded)
Hans Landa
Working and Great script
Really a nice Script ! The Thing that u can ship and get more Money for the Product is a nice feature , i would buy it again !
By Hans Landa -
(version 1.0.7)
Codex | Pi
Its cool
By Codex | Pi -
(version 1.0.7)
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