Hello, I have a little problem.
When I sell the package, I do not receive any money while in the config it is marked "mdma2.ahshop.EcstasyPrice = 5000"
Add me and ill add support
Do your drug cooking addons support Nutscript?
Released a bunch of updates lately, now it also works with ahshop2
For whatever reason i'm unable to buy anything from you guys as PayPal is giving me an error
is there an NPC that can sell the resources to make the Ecstasy?
I cant the See smoke , ist like the missing texture thing Pink and black
So can i use ectasy when it ready? Like just eat it
Open ticket
I can't see the particles when cooking with the little pots
How do you make it because the video was taken down?
Added you on steam.
Can you give me content please because i have delete a load.lua when load is in files a loading is long
Thanks :)
Pretty awesome assets! GLWS
drugs r bad kids!
Looking good Mikael. GLWS!
Thanks guys :)
Entity System Number 503 from Mikael. GLWS, looks dope
glws :)
Finally it has been accepted :D
looking cool!
Finally a MDMA lab on the market :D