The Printer (Upgrades, Overheating, Hacking & Custom Models)

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In short

The Printer is a simple but a very useful and essential addon to have on your darkrp server, as it gives new and more controlled way of printer farming, by providing a whole list of features, that creates a new form for unique role-play, that needs to be experienced for you to understand.


✔️ Custom model & materials.

✔️ Content on steam workshop.

✔️ 6 pre-made printers, 1 donator printer and 8 printer upgrades.

✔️ Printer mute upgrade to stop emitting sounds.

✔️ Only entity upgrades and 3d2d buttons.

✔️ Automatically adds all entities to the F4 menu in categories.

✔️ Hacking system where you walk around and hack printers from a distance.

✔️ Printer cash boost upgrade.

✔️ Printer software upgrade which prevents hacking.

✔️ Uses a base so you can make new printers easily (youtube guide in download).

✔️ Printer fan upgrades with 3d2d fans that spin.

✔️ Advanced temperature system that detects inside and outside (plus fan upgrades)

✔️ Ink upgrade system (also prevents afk farming).

✔️ Paper upgrade system (also prevents afk farming).

✔️ Health and armor system which is affected by temperature.

Hacking Printers

You start with purchasing a hacking device and walk up to a base within a certain distance. If you suspect the base got a printer, then you place the hacking device in-front of you and press "Scan for printers".

If your hacking device finds a printer nearby it will automatically start to empty the printers money. Which means that every time the printer prints new money, they are automatically transferred to the hacking device that you own.

But this is not without risk! If the printer has a software upgrade then it is protected. The software will punish the player who is trying to hack it . That happens by either blowing up the hacking device or igniting the owner of the hacking device.


Ganged - Materials & Banners

Pyro - Models

Discord Server

I have recently launched a discord server for customers and anyone else who wish to join. I will occasionally provide exclusive offers and help with minor issues that might occur with my scripts. If you have a more serious problem, please create a support ticket on GModStore.

This addon supports DarkRP 2.7.0+

Other newer versions should also work. If they do not, please create a ticket so this can be sorted.

Unzip the folder and extract "the_printer" to your addons!

Here is a link to the content pack on the workshop:

You need to subscribe to this and add it to your servers workshop collection.


Old content: - DO NOT USE THIS

To customize the general addon settings go to the_printer/lua/autorun/sh_printer_config.lua - this is where you will find a couple of general settings.

To customize each individual printer, go to the_printer/lua/entities/the printer entity/shared.lua - this is where you will find all settings to handle each printer.

-- Printer Config
ENT.thePrinterName = "Silver Printer" -- Display name on the printer
ENT.thePrinterSound = "ambient/levels/labs/equipment_printer_loop1.wav" -- Sounds that the printer makes
ENT.thePrinterModel = "models/theprinter/reciever01a.mdl" -- Model of the printer
ENT.thePrinterMaterial = "debug/debugwhite" -- Material applied to the printer
ENT.thePrinterColor = Color( 192, 192, 192, 200 ) -- The color of the printers "body"
ENT.thePrinterHealth = 100 -- The printers health
ENT.thePrinterArmor = 50 -- The printers armor
ENT.thePrintTimer = 2 -- How often does it print
ENT.theHeatTimer = 8 -- How often does the temperature change
ENT.thePrintAmount = 4 -- Amount printed every time
ENT.theMoneyBoostAmount = 8 -- If the cash boost upgrade is installed, how much does it print
ENT.theDisableUIDistance = 370 -- Distance before UI is shown/not shown
ENT.theOverheatNumber = 50 -- How hot does it need to be before overheating
ENT.thePrinterUIColor = Color( 192, 192, 192, 200 ) -- The color of the printers front and bag (can be different from the body)
ENT.thePrinterInkAmount = 250 -- Ink amount (MAX 250)
ENT.thePrinterPaperAmount = 250 -- Paper amount (MAX 250)
ENT.thePrinterInkUsage = 3 -- How much ink decreases over time
ENT.thePrinterPaperUsage = 3 -- How much paper decreases over time
ENT.MaximumFans = 1 -- Amount of fans allowed to cool down the printer

If you find any problems with the script, please create a support ticket with details of the situation and a copypaste of the error in console. I am also not interested in modifying you a custom version of the addon. Also not upon payment. Sorry!

Conflicting addons is not to be said if I will support that or not. This is something I will decide upon confrontation about a conflicting addon. If you have some sort of proof that an addon is conflicting with my addon, please send me a PM with the details you might have.

Thank you!

If you like this script, you should check out some of my other addons for DarkRP. Just click the banner to open the script page in a new tab.

Product reviews

5.00 average based on 9 reviews

Love those printers, simple upgrades, simple printers yet very efficient and that look classy. Works out of the box, even though I decided to change some values. I genuinely recommend this for it's price!
By nocturni -
(version 1.3.0)
chef boozy
Great addon / support
This addon has been amazing for me and when I needed help the creator was really fast to help. Reliable addon with a reliable dev!
By chef boozy -
(version 1.3.0)
Great addon!
Its a great addon for printers! The prices are a little bit too low but its still good! You can change the config to whatever you want, you can have cool upgrades and its an easy install, no messing with the darkrpmodification config or anything, just drag and drop into the addons folder, and your good. Definetly recommend.
By Kurkii -
(version 1.2.0)
Excellent Printer Addon
Works as advertised, perfectly functional and fits almost any DarkRP server! I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking for a printer addon.
By Oblong02 -
(version 1.2.0)
These printers are my favorite and they respond quick if you have a problem.
By Beats -
(version 1.0.7)
Author's reply
Apreciate the kind review :)
By ahshop3 -
1 of 2
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Big Update

by Crap-Head

Version 1.30 has just been released. This update is the largest one ever for the script. I've gathered suggestions and issues from previous tickets and tried to put it all together in an update. Hopefully you guys will like it!

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Crap-Head ApS 🔨
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