⚡The Taser Gun

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LPN64 posted
● edited

Optimize your addon

Function : player.GetAll (Wiki page : https://wiki.garrysmod.com/page/player/GetAll )

  Hook : GM:PostDrawOpaqueRenderables (Wiki page : https://wiki.garrysmod.com/page/GM/PostDrawOpaqueRenderables )

    File : addons/customhq-stungun/lua/weapons/weapon_stungun/shared.lua

      └►Line #247-> 27241 calls

        Call History

        #1 File:addons/customhq-stungun/lua/weapons/weapon_stungun/shared.lua, Line #264

        #2 File:addons/customhq-stungun/lua/weapons/weapon_stungun/shared.lua, Line #247

You don't need to call player.GetAll on each frame.

And yes i checked the code, and yes you can do it in much better ways than "scanning for player that got this weapon"

Max Author posted

There would be another one soon. :D

AvoxPaine Purchased posted

an update after 2 years holy

Cyka posted

my taser is an error ?

Invictus Purchased posted

Is there any planned release for better aiming when hitting running targets?

theindustrialrp Purchased posted

@nissaN I may be late, but they are compatible. They actually work really good.

Max Author posted

I personally didnt tested it together. Can't say for sure.

nissaN posted

it's compatible? https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/2979/v170-realistic-handcuffs-jailer-bailer

Max Author posted

Yeah you gotta aim hard to hit the running target, yet it's possible. However we are planning to add a some kind of a simplifying feature.

Trackster posted

Sadly a pretty bad addon...when people jum paround and run away its impossible to hit them, and even if you do finally, sometimes you cant taze them completley so tey can just keep run...

burnett posted

would be better to make the person pretty much ragdolled after being tazed

ahshop3 Purchased posted

The taser isn't broken, there is a reason i'm co author. Been patching errors and reported bugs & so far as i know, the script is in a fully working condition.

{HGN-EO} Hero.EXE posted

An amazing stungun, sadly it is now broken

CoZmoTheGod Purchased posted

Is there a server running this i can test it on?

Recker posted

Hi Im a dev of a SWRP server, would I be able to change the model of this to another? (starwars pistol)?

Misterbobbie posted

Wow, CustomHQ is back xD

AoKitsune Purchased posted

So I guess it added itself in my weapons category, can I remove that?

Max Author posted

BakobGaming, Yes that is how it works. You cant move while being tazed, and if you gave someone a full charge he wont be able to move after too for some secs.

BakobGaming posted

is it possible to make so the player cant move for 2 seconds when hes done being tazed

AvoxPaine Purchased posted

Are there any custom sound files for this script that aren't on the workshop? I noticed the workshop is only the models.

Max Author posted


Sevan Purchased posted

Welcome back Max!

Sir Zac Purchased posted

is there a way to make it so that it doesn't create a weapon to buy (f4 menu)

Anderson Purchased posted

That's good news

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