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Can this work with Star Wars RP?

Have the purchaser of the addon open a ticket

Hi the Table is being called before anything else on the server is Started, which is causing the server to break. is there a fix or update that could fix it. As we dont need the Ticketbook Table to be loaded up before the server itself.

Hello Oscar.
This exploit was patched a several months back. Specifically on version 2.3 (12 Jun 2018). I can only assume that the version the server you played on is running a dated copy and I highly advise you prompt them to update. If however, this is a new exploit that I am not aware of, I encourage you to contact me further so I can get more information.

Hey, there are an exploit on your addon for send a ticket to all player on a server, i can't tell you how but i have already see this on a server

Fixed :P

The showcase video is broken.

fixing* my bad

Thank you for fixed the exploit, I was in a panic and had an attack on my server! Thanks!

I'll add that to the update I'm releasing tomorrow

Hi there, if you could update the script to make it look as if the character is actually holding the ticket book from someone else's perspective, that would be great. I don't know if its just me but he looks like he isn't holding anything when I try to ticket someone.

Can this addon be updated please? I'd to be able to ticket vehicles and boot vehicles if need be.

Thanks! Is there any support for bLogs?

Great suggestion! I'll get right on that

You should make the police officer only gets 50% of the ticket

I've never used AGC, I'll take a look into it. I assume you'd want some kinda system where you don't pay the ticket off instantly but instead go to somewhere like PD to do it?

hay man would this be able to work with AGC (advanced government computer)? these 2 mods would go really well together

Um, not that I'm aware of? And if there are any, I'm happy to patch them

has any exploits been found on this ?

Please get the purchaser of the addon to open a ticket.

Not being able to fine tickets to vehicles because "You are too far away" when literally i'm right next to the car.

Add me on steam

How can i reach you about some major improvements to your script?

Hidden behind the walls of college work