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In short
Tom's Chatbox(TC) - chatbox designed to be well optimized, functional, as well as customizable!
Click my profile to see more scripts
Tom's Chatbox(TC) - chatbox designed to be well optimized, functional, as well as customizable!
- Works in ANY gamemode
- Avatar/rank icons
- Message timestamps
- Fast and easy user dropdown chat feature - config that saves
- Font settings
- Chatbox skins
- Chat icon system, easy developer use
- Text wrapping
- Supports all message types
- Chat color tags
- Real chat history text selecting and copying
- Glowing, colored rank tags
- Supports chat.AddText([icon iMaterial], any Arguments)
1.) Open the zip file.
2.) Extract it to your addons folder.
3.) You're done. Enjoy!
Configuration: All of the config variables can be found in /lua/autorun/cl_tomschatbox.lua
Future updates and support
This script will receive future updates as long as it stays here.
If you have any questions or need help, feel free to comment or PM me.
There are currently no bugs but if you get errors from this script, PM me (with errors or a way to reproduce it) and I will fix them ASAP with a hotfix patch.
Product reviews
4.67 average based on 6 reviews

Absolutely Lovely
This script is great. The chat box looks clean and works well!

Best chat box in the world!
This chat box is the last chat box you will ever need to buy! Forget the other chat boxes - this is the true and only one!
The chat-box so simple but yet so excellent, it does not annoy the eyes of your players and does not have a bunch of useless crap in it.
A great config, the script is straightforward to set up, I adore it!
You will not be disappointed with the support either; the support is outstanding.
I have used it since the day I bought it, and will never stop using it!

parfait pour le prix

Perfect for what I was looking for: a clean chatbox that has just the right amount of bells and whistles. Great support as well, 5/5
This product was received for free

Looks decent in game, the chat tags look great while glowing and it's easily configurable. Had a slight problem but had quick support and a quick fix ;)
1 of 2
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